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Spawn Effect Cloud

apace100 edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Entity Action. Spawns an effect cloud (as from a lingering potion) at the position of the entity.

Type ID: origins:spawn_effect_cloud


radius, float, default = 3.0: The radius of the cloud.

radius_on_use, float, default = -0.5: How much the radius should change when an effect is applied.

wait_time, int, default = 10: How many ticks to wait until the cloud takes effect.

effect, Status Effect Instance, optional: If set, this status effect will be applied by the cloud to entities inside of it.

effects, array of Status Effect Instances, optional: If set, these status effects will be applied by the cloud to entities inside of it.


"entity_action": {
  "type": "origins:spawn_effect_cloud",
  "radius": 10.0,
  "wait_time": 40,
  "effect": {
    "effect": "minecraft:resistance",
    "amplifier": 3,
    "duration": 100

This action spawns a large effect cloud, which provides a Resistance IV effect, at the entity position.

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