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Spawn Entity

apace100 edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Entity Action. Spawns another entity at the position of the target entity.

Type ID: origins:spawn_entity


entity_type, string: The ID of the entity type that will be spawned.

tag, string, optional: When set, this NBT data will be applied to the new entity when it is spawned.

entity_action, Entity Action, optional: When set, this action will be executed on the new entity when it is spawned.


"entity_action": {
  "type": "origins:spawn_entity",
  "entity_type": "minecraft:zombie",
  "tag": "{NoAI:1b,IsBaby:1,HandItems:[{id:\"minecraft:gold_block\",Count:1},{}]}"

This action will spawn a baby zombie holding a gold block at the position, without AI (will not move or act in any way).

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