- Resolve dynamic property deprecation error for PHP 8.2 and above (PR: #485)
- Fixed minimum installment amount for installment_bay and installment_kbank (PR: #479)
- Remove OCBC PAO (PR: #480)
- Fixed redirect issue on cancelled card payment. (PR: #470)
- Updated installment interest rates. (PR: #460)
- Updated OCBC digital logo. (PR: #457)
- Remove zero_interest_installments option from installment banks other than Maybank. (PR: #458)
- Added QR expires count down for promptpay. (PR: #453)
- Added dynamic webhooks with feature flag. (PR: #450)
- Added OCBC Digital Payment. (PR: #440)
- Enabled AlipayHK, Kakaopay and Touch 'N Go for Thailand PSP. (PR: #440)
- Fetch the same number of orders as the value of refresh counter in the cron job. (PR: #437)
- Bug fixed: Atome failed to create charge with bundle product. (PR: #433)
- Added PayPay payment method. (PR: #428)
- Get installment minimum from capability API. (PR: #427)
- Added Google Pay logo in the checkout page. (PR: #426)
- Added Atome payment method. (PR: #422)
- Refactored functions to reduce cognitive complexity. (PR: #421)
- Replace credit card form with secure form with a feature flag options to switch between credit card forms. (PR: #410)
- Added an admin message to notify the user to update the current credit card form to embedded form. (PR: #419)
- Track the adoption of the secure form. (PR: #420)
- Removed deprecated ktb and scb internet banking. (PR: #417)
- Bug fix: Hanlde ShopeePay cancel payment. (PR: #415)
- Added Krungthai NEXT mobile banking (PR: #409)
- Added ShopeePay under Thailand and Singpaore. (PR: #404)
- Added installment TTB. (PR: #405)
- Added a logic to reverse the cancelled items before changing order status from cancelled to processing. (PR: #406)
- Rebrand Lotus's Bill Payment. (PR: #407)
- Rebranded Omise to Opn Payments. (PR: #395)
- Set order status from closed to processing on refund so that merchants can create credit memo. (PR: #398)
- Fixed duitnowobw bank list not showing. (PR: #393)
- Call omise refund after offline refund event triggered. (PR: #392)
- Use existing online refund function for all payment methods. (PR: #397)
- Bug fixed on partial refund. (PR: #399)
- Issue of two invoices of the same order has been fixed. (PR: #387)
- Improve the implementation to prevent the customer entering redirect URL directly in the address bar of the browser. (PR: #388)
- Fixed the issue of FPX redirecting to cart page with invalid order status. Also added a delay in redirect process before fetching charge status. (PR: #389)
- Fixed conflict between COD with the plugin. (PR: #390)
- Fixed an issue of syncing order status from Magento after reversing a charge not updating the product’s quantity. (PR: #385)
- Fixed the issue of duplicate cancelled event. (PR #384)
- Fixed blocker and serious issues alerted by SonarCloud. (PR #383)
- Upgraded Omise PHP to version 2.16.0 (PR #375)
- Fix the issue of not redirecting to Thank you page. (PR #376)
- Added pipeline to deploy on staging. (PR #380)
- Added pipeline for code coverage with sonarcloud. (PR #379)
- Order status will be updated via webhook when charge status is updated manually by Operations Team. (PR #359)
- Enhanced manual sync button to manually update order status to reflect refunds. (PR #362)
- Enhance webhook flow to capture refund.create event. (PR #363)
- Fix trim do not accept null value in php 8. (PR #365)
- Added unit tests for OmiseHelper.php and Github workflow to run unit tests. (PR #364)
- Fix the issue of an order getting canceled citing Payment expired when the charge was completed successfully. (PR #368)
- Enhancements display payment options. (PR #361)
- Add support RMS wallet (PR #366)
- Fix the issue of Sync Order Status button not working. (PR #374)
- Added missing translation for Thai language. (PR #356)
- Items restored in the cart if the return URI is not triggered by Omise server. (PR #357)
- Allow GrabPay to have payment in THB. (PR #358)
- Retain the cart items when payment fails (PR #350)
- Added support for Google Pay payment method (PR #351)
- Added bank of China logo for FPX payment method (PR #352)
- Payment instructions will be sent to the customer's email for convenience store payment method (PR #353)
- Add GrabPay payment method (PR #344)
- Fetch capabilities. (PR #337)
- Preventing Omise plugin to initialize when public and secret keys are not present. (PR #339)
- Incorrect webhook endpoint being displayed has been fixed. (PR #340)
- Move OCBC Pao as standalone payment. (PR #341)
- Issue of new order email not being sent when order is placed with non omise payment method has been fixed. (PR #342)
- The issue of capturing a 3DS payment from sub-stores has been fixed. (PR #335)
- Fixed the issue with the Sync Order Status button in the orders page of the admin panel. (PR #336)
- Fix bug where redirects didnt handle redirects correctly (PR #334)
- Add setting to enable webhook (PR #333)
- Fix duplicate invoices being sent via email (PR #320)
- Fix invoice generated before charge is captured (PR #320)
- Fix FPX logo never display on checkout screen (PR #318)
- Add FPX term and condition link on checkout screen (PR #318)
- Fix expiry cron worker incorrectly expiring orders sporadically (PR #316)
- Fix internet banking charges not being marked as expired (PR #315)
- Added option to generate invoice after success (PR #313)
- Ensure order confirmation emails are sent after payment is made for all payment methods (PR #313)
- Add Alipay plus wallets for SG (PR #309)
- Update omise-php version from 2.11.1 to 2.13.0 (PR #307)
- Installments - change minimum order from 3000 to 2000 THB (PR #307)
- FPX banks list default to empty (PR #303)
- FPX banks list dropdown fix and rename default title (PR #300)
- Apply hotfixes for invoice generation for FPX payment (PR #301)
- Fix FPX payment emails are sent before successful charge (PR #297)
- Fix FPX Magento plugin does not indicate the banks with offline status (PR #295)
- Add support for magento-composer-installer package >= 0.2.1 (PR #292)
- Add back dependency injection code for charge validation (PR #291)
- Add support for Magento 2.4.2. (PR #289)
- Enhance Magento plugin to support FPX. (PR #287)
- Implementing feature to create refund and applying it on PayNow QR payment. (PR #284)
- Applying standards for Magento and fixing it throughout the code. (PR #283)
- Removing 3DS configuration from backend. (PR #279)
- Implementing cron job to update order status of expired omise charge. (PR #281)
- Adding support for SCB Installments. (PR #273)
- Adding configuration to restrict payment method from specific countries. (PR #274)
- Implementing manual sync for omise payment methods. (PR #275)
- Adding billing address information to card payment charge token. (PR #277)
- Fixing issue for header and footer information in email containing payment QR, Barcodes for multi-store setup. (PR #269)
- Card payment throws error while checkout for PHP 7.4 version. (PR #268)
- Implemented new payment method - PromptPay, hiding payment methods which are not supported by currency, hardcode charge expiry date. (PR #264)
- Updated content on PayNow order success page and adding support to send Paynow QR code via email. (PR #260)
- Hiding input card details form on selecting payment with saved card. (PR #265)
- Fixes wrong calculation of installment amount per month (PR #250)
- Fixes webhook to support HTTP POST requests (PR #254)
- Fixes broken order success page after checkout (PR #255)
- Convenience Store Payment Support (available only for Singapre customers) (PR #224)
- Plugin Japaniese translation (PR #226)
- Citi Points Payment Implementation (PR #231)
- PayNow QR Payment Implementation (PR #240)
- Refactors JS Payment method renderers (PR #225)
- Adding Support for new currencies (PR #218)
- Translation of error messages to Thai Language (PR #210) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- Handle exception when getting capabilities with invalid Omise Keys (PR #216)
- Fix error when change Omise Account (PR #215)
- Fix: Too many parameters are sent to parent class in DeleteAction (PR #213)
- Introducing support for True Money Payments (PR #201)
- Manual Capture Functionality - you can capture Credit Card payments directly in Admin Panel (PR #182)
- Installments - change minimum order from 5000 to 3000 THB (PR #188)
- Delete Saved Credit Card Information (PR #186)
- Edit phone number on checkout-page when making True Money payment (PR #207)
- Change to display an error message using ErrorMessageMapper (PR #205)
- Better format of installment minimum amount message (PR #203)
- Display info on checkout if a plugin is in the Sandbox mode (PR #198)
- Manage cards link on the checkout page (PR #197)
- Display Installment terms (PR #196)
- Refactoring - removed unnecessary redirections (PR #191)
- Enable 'Order' button only if installment terms are chosen (PR #183) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- Fix for unable to select some installment terms (PR #195)
- True Money Payment Method Implementation (PR #211)
- Changed in composer omise-php requirement to version 2.11.1 (PR #177)
- Fix: Display correctly barcode from tesco lotus on checkout success page (PR #180)
- Fix: Order can't be completed when choosing other payment methods than Omise (PR #179)
- Model\Ui\CapabilitiesConfigProvider: returns an empty array instaed of null when Installment payment method is disabled. (PR #174)
- Introducing support Installment Payments (PR #148)
- Enable Place Order button on Internet Banking checkout option only if bank is selected. (PR #166)
- Restrict Tesco Bill Payment to THB transactions only (PR #165)
- Tesco Bill Payment added PRINT button (PR #164)
- Restrict internet banking payment method to THB orders only(PR #161)
- Send Tesco barcode to customer's email. (PR #158)
- Make plugin compatible with PHP 7.2 (PR #168)
- Fix for showing Tesco Bill Payment related information on checkout success page when using other payment methods (PR #163)
- Fix for missing "Terms and Conditions" in Alipay and Tesco payment method. (PR #162)
- Fixed problem that translation to 'Select a card you want to proceed (PR #160)
- Fix compilation error in Capabilities API (PR #171)
- Force plugin to use newest Omise Api v2017-11-02 (PR #133)
- Code Refactoring, prepare plugin for future payment methods (PR #130, PR #131, PR #134, PR #137, PR #138, PR #149, PR #153)
- Move plugin information in admin panel to 'recommended' section (PR #129)
- Restrict Alipay for THB transactions only (PR #127)
- Changed
to fulfil requirements from Magento Market Store (PR #132)
- Fix for not working webhooks due to script compilation error (PR #141).
- Fix typo on a classname and filename (PR #135)
- Fix for wrong spelling in Admin Panel (PR #136)
- Introducing support of Alipay payments (PR #113)
- Support for Multistore Magento 2 configuration (PR #117)
- Simplify plugin installation process by using composer (PR #112)
- Introduce Webhook feature (PR #107)
- Removed IDR currency support (PR #122)
- Updates config to apply Magento docs recommendations (PR #120)
- Removes link/dependency with Authorize.net module (PR #118)
- Removes specific fee warnings for Internet Banking + improve i18n (PR #114)
- Introduce API Object model structure and refactoring code (PR #103)
- Internet Banking: Proper set the order status if the returned charge status is set to 'pending' (PR #105)
- Removed unused files (PR #106)
- Force plugin to use a specific API version (2015-11-17) when make a request to Omise API (PR #94)
- Introduce 3-D Secure feature (PR #75, #76, #77, #78, #80, #82)
- Introduce Internet Banking feature (PR #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #70, #71, #80)
- Support IDR & SGD Currencies (PR #72)
The first release contains a feature to create charge with auto capture and manual capture. The merchant can select a setting, sandbox, to switch between test mode and live mode.
The list of charge can be found at Omise dashboard.
Remove jQuery library and update code according to new JS checkout form function
Check authorized and captured status before continue the charge action.Fixed
Disable submit button action when user clicks submit.Updated
class instead ofMage_Payment_Model_Method_Cc
in the payment method class.
Updated omise-php library from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0.Fixed
Supported php version 5.2 - 5.3.Fixed
Added autocomplete attribute into card number and security code fields of the checkout form.
Updated omise-php library from 2.2.0 to 2.3.1.Fixed
Fix 'CamelCase' class name issue (CamelCaseName of class was not load in some host environment).
Updated README.md fileUpdated
Changed version number in module's xml files from0.0.0.1
to match Magento releases
jQuery from http to https
Added link to Omise Dashboard https://dashboard.omise.co into Magento Omise Dashboard Page.Fixed
Omise Email Account was not shown in dashboard page.
Transfer box was not shown when that account doesn't have any transfer history.
Implemented Omise Dashboard into Magento's admin page. The features are as follows:- Show current account status (live or test) depends on that you configured in Omise Keys Setting page.
- Show total account balance, transferable balance.
- Show history of transfers.
- Admin was able to transfer their Omise Balance to their Bank account.
Implemented Omise Keys Setting page into Magento's admin page.Added
Added Omise menu into top bar menu of Magento's admin page.Added
Added Omise Payment Gateway Module Configuration into Margento's admin page in payment method section.Added
Implemented Omise Charge API withAuthorize
Added Omise Checkout Form into Magento's checkout page.Added
Added omise-php library (v2.2.0) into this extension.Updated
Updated README.md.
- Initial version.