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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go

Release v0.13.0

08 Oct 22:24
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  • OTLP Metric exporter supports Histogram aggregation. (#1209)
  • The Code struct from the package now supports JSON marshaling and unmarshaling as well as implements the Stringer interface. (#1214)
  • A Baggage API to implement the OpenTelemetry specification. (#1217)


  • Set default propagator to no-op propagator. (#1184)
  • The HTTPSupplier, HTTPExtractor, HTTPInjector, and HTTPPropagator from the package were replaced with unified TextMapCarrier and TextMapPropagator in the package. (#1212)
  • The New function from the package was replaced with NewCompositeTextMapPropagator in the package. (#1212)
  • The status codes of the package have been updated to match the latest OpenTelemetry specification.
    They now are Unset, Error, and Ok.
    They no longer track the gRPC codes. (#1214)
  • The StatusCode field of the SpanData struct in the package now uses the codes package from this package instead of the gRPC project. (#1214)
  • Move the package into (#1217)


  • Copies of data from arrays and slices passed to are now used in the returned Value instead of using the mutable data itself. (#1226)


  • The ExtractHTTP and InjectHTTP functions from the package were removed. (#1212)
  • The Propagators interface from the package was removed to conform to the OpenTelemetry specification.
    The explicit TextMapPropagator type can be used in its place as this is the Propagator type the specification defines. (#1212)
  • The SetAttribute method of the Span from the package was removed given its redundancy with the SetAttributes method. (#1216)
  • The internal implementation of Baggage storage is removed in favor of using the new Baggage API functionality. (#1217)
  • Remove duplicate hostname key HostHostNameKey in Resource semantic conventions. (#1219)
  • Nested array/slice support has been removed. (#1226)

Raw changes made between v0.12.0 and v0.13.0

9ebca88 Pre release v0.13.0 (#1231)
5660b0b Update label.ArrayValue to store copies of 1D arrays (#1226)
577b217 Update codes to match specification (#1214)
e9c80e6 Bump from 0.2.4 to 0.2.5 in /exporters/trace/zipkin (#1224)
b0fd424 Bump from 0.11.1 to 0.11.2 in /internal/tools (#1225)
5e66340 Add Baggage API and move Baggage propagator (#1217)
de50711 feat(span): remove SetAttribute method (#1216)
6e184cd Update propagation to conform with OpenTelemetry specification (#1212)
dc79f7f Remove duplicate hostname in Resource (#1219)
423c891 Set default propagator to no-op propagator (#1204)
04297f4 Enable exporting Histogram aggregation to OTLP metric (#1209)
a69f8fb Add integration tests for span processor ordering (#1208)
3a9f5fe Test benchmarks in precommit (#1207)

Release v0.12.0

24 Sep 23:08
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  • A SpanConfigure function in to create a new SpanConfig from SpanOptions. (#1108)
  • In the package, NewTracerConfig was added to construct new TracerConfigs.
    This addition was made to conform with our project option conventions. (#1155)
  • Instrumentation library information was added to the Zipkin exporter. (#1119)
  • The SpanProcessor interface now has a ForceFlush() method. (#1166)
  • More semantic conventions for k8s as resource attributes. (#1167)


  • Add reconnecting udp connection type to Jaeger exporter.
    This change adds a new optional implementation of the udp conn interface used to detect changes to an agent's host dns record.
    It then adopts the new destination address to ensure the exporter doesn't get stuck. This change was ported from jaegertracing/jaeger-client-go#520. (#1063)
  • Replace StartOption and EndOption in with SpanOption.
    This change is matched by replacing the StartConfig and EndConfig with a unified SpanConfig. (#1108)
  • Replace the LinkedTo span option in with WithLinks.
    This is be more consistent with our other option patterns, i.e. passing the item to be configured directly instead of its component parts, and provides a cleaner function signature. (#1108)
  • The TracerOption was changed to an interface to conform to project option conventions. (#1109)
  • Move the B3 and TraceContext from within the package to their own package.
    This removal of the propagators is reflective of the OpenTelemetry specification for these propagators as well as cleans up the API. (#1118)
  • Rename Jaeger tags used for instrumentation library information to reflect changes in OpenTelemetry specification. (#1119)
  • Rename ProbabilitySampler to TraceIDRatioBased and change semantics to ignore parent span sampling status. (#1115)
  • Move tools package under internal. (#1141)
  • Move package to (#1142)
    The correlation.CorrelationContext propagator has been renamed baggage.Baggage. Other exported functions and types are unchanged.
  • Rename ParentOrElse sampler to ParentBased and allow setting samplers depending on parent span. (#1153)
  • In the package, SpanConfigure was renamed to NewSpanConfig. (#1155)
  • Change dependabot.yml to add a Skip Changelog label to dependabot-sourced PRs. (#1161)
  • The configuration style guide has been updated to
    recommend the use of newConfig() instead of configure(). (#1163)
  • The otlp.Config type has been unexported and changed to otlp.config, along with its initializer. (#1163)
  • Ensure exported interface types include parameter names and update the
    Style Guide to reflect this styling rule. (#1172)
  • Don't consider unset environment variable for resource detection to be an error. (#1170)
  • Rename to NewInstrumentConfig and to NewMeterConfig.
  • ValueObserver instruments use LastValue aggregator by default. (#1165)
  • OTLP Metric exporter supports LastValue aggregation. (#1165)
  • Move the package to (#1185)
  • Rename Provider to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NoopProvider to NoopMeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewMeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewMeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to TracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NoopProvider to NoopTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to TracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename WrapperProvider to WrapperTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewWrapperProvider to NewWrapperTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider method of the pull controller to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider method of the push controller to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename ProviderOptions to TracerProviderConfig in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename ProviderOption to TracerProviderOption in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to TracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Renamed SamplingDecision values to comply with OpenTelemetry specification change. (#1192)
  • Renamed Zipkin attribute names from ot.status_code & ot.status_description to otel.status_code & otel.status_description. (#1201)
  • The default SDK now invokes registered SpanProcessors in the order they were registered with the TracerProvider. (#1195)


  • Remove the B3 propagator from It is now located in the module. (#1191)
  • Remove the semantic convention for HTTP status text, HTTPStatusTextKey from package (#1194)


  • Zipkin example no longer mentions ParentSampler, corrected to ParentBased. (#1171)
  • Fix missing shutdown processor in otel-collector example. (#1186)
  • Fix missing shutdown processor in basic and namedtracer examples. (#1197)

Raw changes made between v0.11.0 and v0.12.0

0b348c3 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.12.0, tag: sdk/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/trace/zipkin/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/trace/jaeger/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/stdout/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/otlp/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/metric/prometheus/v0.12.0, tag: exa
mple/zipkin/v0.12.0, tag: example/prometheus/v0.12.0, tag: example/otel-collector/v0.12.0, tag: example/namedtracer/v0.12.0, tag: example/jaeger/v0.12.0, tag: example/basic/v0.12.0, tag: bridge/opentracing/v0.12.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Prepare v0.12.0 release (#1205)
8c3cc43 Use LastValue by default for ValueObserver instruments (#1165)
304d4cd ensure batch span processors are shutdown in examples (#1199)
1e72b51 Add example test for a custom SpanProcessor (#1196)
b97533a Register/unregister in the fixed order (#1198)
559fecd Update the attribute names for the OTel attributes for the zipkin exporter (#1201)
7d71867 Rename *Provider names (#1190)
5dd2962 Remove semantic convention for http status text (#1194)
038f505 Remove B3 propagator from otel repo (#1191)
e7e1dce Update sampling decision names (#1192)
b9357d7 Remove flaky BatchSpanProcessor.ForceFlush() test (#1189)
fa74147 Bump from 0.31.0 to 0.32.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#1188)
4b46365 Move api/unit to top level (#1185)
930b4d0 Fix missing shutdown of the batch processor (#1186)
995be31 Add ForceFlush() method to SpanProcessor interface (#1166)
a12224a Ensure exported interfaces have named method parameters (#1172)
2621bd4 Convert XConfigure into constructor for metrics (#1175)
3de7a07 Merge otel into one file and add package doc (#1176)
1f7c220 Don't consider unset env var to be an error during resource detection (#1170)
77de199 Minor change: ParentSampler -> ParentBased in Zipkin example description (#1171)
6f048eb Add more semantic conventions for k8s as resource attributes (#1167)
d91de43 Recommend use of initializers for config structs (#1163)
c9726ef Allow up to 0.5% coverage change before failing build (#1162)
0041e2d Rename ParentOrElse sampler to ParentBased and enhance it according to the spec (#1153)
34c02d1 Add Skip Changelog label to Dependabot-sourced PRs (#1161)
9f45258 Convert XConfigure into constructors (#1155)
a787f09 Update to reflect PR process-as-applied (#1159)
36c323f Add the missing vanity import ...

Read more

Release v0.11.0

25 Aug 03:47
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  • Noop and InMemory SpanBatcher implementations to help with testing integrations. (#994)
  • Integration tests for more OTel Collector Attribute types. (#1062)
  • A dimensionality-reducing metric Processor. (#1057)
  • Support for filtering metric label sets. (#1047)
  • Support for exporting array-valued attributes via OTLP. (#992)


  • Rename sdk/metric/processor/test to sdk/metric/processor/processortest. (#1049)
  • Rename sdk/metric/controller/test to sdk/metric/controller/controllertest. (#1049)
  • Rename api/testharness to api/apitest. (#1049)
  • Rename api/trace/testtrace to api/trace/tracetest. (#1049)
  • Change Metric Processor to merge multiple observations. (#1024)
  • The bridge package has been made into its own module.
    This removes the package dependencies of this bridge from the rest of the OpenTelemetry based project. (#1038)
  • Renamed package to to avoid the ambiguous and generic name standard and better describe the package as containing OpenTelemetry semantic conventions. (#1016)
  • The environment variable used for resource detection has been changed from OTEL_RESOURCE_LABELS to OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES (#1042)
  • Replace WithSyncer with WithBatcher in examples. (#1044)
  • Replace the dependency in the API with an equivalent package. (#1046)
  • Merge the and into the new package. (#1060)
  • Unify Callback Function Naming.
    Rename *Callback with *Func. (#1061)
  • CI builds validate against last two versions of Go, dropping 1.13 and adding 1.15. (#1064)


  • Duplicate, unused API sampler interface. (#999)
    Use the Sampler interface provided by the SDK instead.
  • The grpctrace instrumentation was moved to the repository and out of this repository.
    This move includes moving the grpc example to the as well. (#1027)
  • The WithSpan method of the Tracer interface.
    The functionality this method provided was limited compared to what a user can provide themselves.
    It was removed with the understanding that if there is sufficient user need it can be added back based on actual user usage. (#1043)
  • The RegisterSpanProcessor and UnregisterSpanProcessor functions.
    These were holdovers from an approach prior to the TracerProvider design. They were not used anymore. (#1077)
  • The oterror package. (#1026)
  • The othttp and httptrace instrumentations were moved to (#1032)


  • The semconv.HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest() function no longer generates the high-cardinality http.request.content.length label. (#1031)
  • Correct instrumentation version tag in Jaeger exporter. (#1037)
  • The SDK span will now set an error event if the End method is called during a panic (i.e. it was deferred). (#1043)
  • Move internally generated protobuf code from the to the OTLP exporter to reduce dependency overhead. (#1050)
  • The otel-collector example referenced outdated collector processors. (#1006)

Release v0.10.0

30 Jul 16:06
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This release migrates the default OpenTelemetry SDK into its own Go module, decoupling the SDK from the API and reducing dependencies for instrumentation packages.


  • The Zipkin exporter now has NewExportPipeline and InstallNewPipeline constructor functions to match the common pattern.
    These function build a new exporter with default SDK options and register the exporter with the global package respectively. (#944)
  • Add propagator option for gRPC instrumentation. (#986)
  • The testtrace package now tracks the trace.SpanKind for each span. (#987)


  • Replace the RegisterGlobal Option in the Jaeger exporter with an InstallNewPipeline constructor function.
    This matches the other exporter constructor patterns and will register a new exporter after building it with default configuration. (#944)
  • The trace ( and metric ( stdout exporters are now merged into a single exporter at
    This new exporter was made into its own Go module to follow the pattern of all exporters and decouple it from the module. (#956, #963)
  • Move the test package to (#962)
  • The package was merged into the parent package. (#968)
    • value.Bool was replaced with kv.BoolValue.
    • value.Int64 was replaced with kv.Int64Value.
    • value.Uint64 was replaced with kv.Uint64Value.
    • value.Float64 was replaced with kv.Float64Value.
    • value.Int32 was replaced with kv.Int32Value.
    • value.Uint32 was replaced with kv.Uint32Value.
    • value.Float32 was replaced with kv.Float32Value.
    • value.String was replaced with kv.StringValue.
    • value.Int was replaced with kv.IntValue.
    • value.Uint was replaced with kv.UintValue.
    • value.Array was replaced with kv.ArrayValue.
  • Rename Infer to Any in the package. (#972)
  • Rename package to (#980)
  • Make the SDK into its own Go module called (#985)
  • Changed the default trace Sampler from AlwaysOn to ParentOrElse(AlwaysOn). (#989)


  • The IndexedAttribute function from the package was removed in favor of IndexedLabel which it was synonymous with. (#970)


  • Bump from 1.28.3 to 1.29.0 in /tools. (#953)
  • Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1. (#957)
  • Use global.Handle for span export errors in the OTLP exporter. (#946)
  • Correct Go language formatting in the README documentation. (#961)
  • Remove default SDK dependencies from the package. (#977)
  • Remove default SDK dependencies from the package. (#983)
  • Move documented examples for interceptors into Go example tests. (#984)

Raw changes made between v0.9.0 and v0.10.0

fd61d2e (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.10.0, tag: sdk/v0.10.0, tag: exporters/trace/zipkin/v0.10.0, tag: exporters/trace/jaeger/v0.10.0, tag: exporters/stdout/v0.10.0, tag: exporters/otlp/v0.10.0, tag: exporters/metric/prometheus/v0.10.0, tag: example/zipkin/v0.10.0, tag: example/prometheus/v0.10.0, tag: example/otel-collector/v0.10.0, tag: example/namedtracer/v0.10.0, tag: example/jaeger/v0.10.0, tag: example/http/v0.10.0, tag: example/grpc/v0.10.0, tag: example/basic/v0.10.0, upstream/master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Release v0.10.0 (#990)
1299210 Change default Sampler to ParentOrElse(AlwaysOn) (#989)
fa883d4 testtrace.Span tracks and returns its SpanKind. (#987)
26e85e1 Add propagator option for gRPC instrumentation (#986)
8fbaa9d Make the SDK into its own Go module (#985)
d6bf2fb Decouple instrumentation from SDK (#983)
42c2a86 Move grpctrace examples from comment to code (#984)
e06c9da Rename aggregator/test to aggregatortest (#980)
67a2c23 Update Changelog (#982)
2833212 Decouple API from SDK (#977)
7f1dc4a Update Contributing style guide section (#971)
6917167 Rename kv.Infer to kv.Any (#969) (#972)
c9c8137 Remove IndexedAttribute from api/label (#970)
3b01a85 Make the stdout exporter a package (#963)
c6611f4 Move export test package to SDK (#962)
d99ac09 Remove sub-package value from kv (#968)
fd54b6c paivagustavo to emeritus for now (#960)
7918070 README: fixup spaces on code example (#961)
452256c Unify trace and metric stdout exporters (#956)
f31d8ec Unify trace and metric exporter helpers (#944)
c5d77d2 Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1 (#957)
c8b657e use global handler for span export err in otlp (#946)
f6b51df Bump from 1.28.3 to 1.29.0 in /tools (#953)

Release v0.9.0

20 Jul 19:48
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This release includes a new Resource auto-detector interface and a generation of the OTLP locally.


  • A new Resource Detector interface is included to allow resources to be automatically detected and included. (#939)
  • A Detector to automatically detect resources from an environment variable. (#939)
  • Github action to generate protobuf Go bindings locally in internal/opentelemetry-proto-gen. (#938)
  • OTLP .proto files from open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto imported as a git submodule under internal/opentelemetry-proto. References to changed to (#942)


  • Non-nil value structs for key-value pairs will be marshalled using JSON rather than Sprintf. (#948)


  • Removed dependency on (#943)

Raw changes made between v0.8.0 and v0.9.0

58e50e2 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.9.0, tag: exporters/trace/zipkin/v0.9.0, tag: exporters/trace/jaeger/v0.9.0, tag: exporters/otlp/v0.9.0, tag: exporters/metric/prometheus/v0.9.0, tag: example/zipkin/v0.9.0, tag: example/prometheus/v0.9.0, tag: example/otel-collector/v0.9.0, tag: example/namedtracer/v0.9.0, tag: example/jaeger/v0.9.0, tag: example/http/v0.9.0, tag: example/grpc/v0.9.0, tag: example/basic/v0.9.0, upstream/master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Release v0.9.0 (#952)
e6537c6 Fix typo in comment (#951)
99c2998 OT resource detector (#939)
b2b23e1 supports marshaling values as json (#948)
d6ad4d4 [jaeger] Stop ignoring uints (#945)
4f3fab3 Remove dependency (#943)
166c703 Import open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto submodule and generate protobuf bindings locally (#942)
dd79483 Create protobuf generation GitHub action (#938)
31dd06a Bump from 1.28.2 to 1.28.3 in /tools (#936)
9edcad3 Backport tag script from contrib repo (#934)

Release v0.8.0

10 Jul 16:31
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This release includes additions and changes to implements the v0.6.0 OpenTelemetry specification and other fixes.


  • The B3Encoding type to represent the B3 encoding(s) the B3 propagator can inject.
    A value for HTTP supported encodings (Multiple Header: MultipleHeader, Single Header: SingleHeader) are included. (#882)
  • The FlagsDeferred trace flag to indicate if the trace sampling decision has been deferred. (#882)
  • The FlagsDebug trace flag to indicate if the trace is a debug trace. (#882)
  • Add peer.service semantic attribute. (#898)
  • Add database-specific semantic attributes. (#899)
  • Add semantic convention for faas.coldstart and (#909)
  • Add http content size semantic conventions. (#905)
  • Include http.request_content_length in HTTP request basic attributes. (#905)
  • Add semantic conventions for operating system process resource attribute keys. (#919)
  • The Jaeger exporter now has a WithBatchMaxCount option to specify the maximum number of spans sent in a batch. (#931)


  • Update to ask for updates to with each pull request. (#879)
  • Use lowercase header names for B3 Multiple Headers. (#881)
  • The B3 propagator SingleHeader field has been replaced with InjectEncoding.
    This new field can be set to combinations of the B3Encoding bitmasks and will inject trace information in these encodings.
    If no encoding is set, the propagator will default to MultipleHeader encoding. (#882)
  • The B3 propagator now extracts from either HTTP encoding of B3 (Single Header or Multiple Header) based on what is contained in the header.
    Preference is given to Single Header encoding with Multiple Header being the fallback if Single Header is not found or is invalid.
    This behavior change is made to dynamically support all correctly encoded traces received instead of having to guess the expected encoding prior to receiving. (#882)
  • Extend semantic conventions for RPC. (#900)
  • To match constant naming conventions in the api/standard package, the FaaS* key names are appended with a suffix of Key. (#920)
    • "api/standard".FaaSName -> FaaSNameKey
    • "api/standard".FaaSID -> FaaSIDKey
    • "api/standard".FaaSVersion -> FaaSVersionKey
    • "api/standard".FaaSInstance -> FaaSInstanceKey


  • The FlagsUnused trace flag is removed.
    The purpose of this flag was to act as the inverse of FlagsSampled, the inverse of FlagsSampled is used instead. (#882)
  • The B3 header constants (B3SingleHeader, B3DebugFlagHeader, B3TraceIDHeader, B3SpanIDHeader, B3SampledHeader, B3ParentSpanIDHeader) are removed.
    If B3 header keys are needed the authoritative OpenZipkin package constants should be used instead. (#882)


  • The B3 Single Header name is now correctly b3 instead of the previous X-B3. (#881)
  • The B3 propagator now correctly supports sampling only values (b3: 0, b3: 1, or b3: d) for a Single B3 Header. (#882)
  • The B3 propagator now propagates the debug flag.
    This removes the behavior of changing the debug flag into a set sampling bit.
    Instead, this now follow the B3 specification and omits the X-B3-Sampling header. (#882)
  • The B3 propagator now tracks "unset" sampling state (meaning "defer the decision") and does not set the X-B3-Sampling header when injecting. (#882)
  • Bump from 0.10.3 to 0.10.4 in /tools. (#883)
  • Bump from v1.1.1-0.20190913142402-a7454ce5950e to v1.2.0. (#885)
  • The tracing time conversion for OTLP spans is now correctly set to UnixNano. (#896)
  • Ensure span status is not set to Unknown when no HTTP status code is provided as it is assumed to be 200 OK. (#908)
  • Ensure httptrace.clientTracer closes http.headers span. (#912)
  • Prometheus exporter will not apply stale updates or forget inactive metrics. (#903)
  • Add test for api.standard HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest. (#905)
  • Bump from 1.27.0 to 1.28.1 in /tools. (#901, #913)
  • Update otel-colector example to use the v0.5.0 collector. (#915)
  • The grpctrace instrumentation uses a span name conforming to the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions (does not contain a leading slash (/)). (#922)
  • The grpctrace instrumentation includes an rpc.method attribute now set to the gRPC method name. (#900, #922)
  • The grpctrace instrumentation rpc.service attribute now contains the package name if one exists.
    This is in accordance with OpenTelemetry semantic conventions. (#922)
  • Correlation Context extractor will no longer insert an empty map into the returned context when no valid values are extracted. (#923)
  • Bump from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger. (#925)
  • Bump from 0.10.4 to 0.11.0 in /tools. (#926)
  • Bump from 1.28.1 to 1.28.2 in /tools. (#930)

Commits since previous tag v0.7.0

aff7a80 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.8.0, tag: exporters/trace/zipkin/v0.8.0, tag: exporters/trace/jaeger/v0.8.0, tag: exporters/otlp/v0.8.0, tag: exporters/metric/prometheus/v0.8.0, tag: example/zipkin/v0.8.0, tag: example/prometheus/v0.8.0, tag: example/otel-collector/v0.8.0, tag: example/namedtracer/v0.8.0, tag: example/jaeger/v0.8.0, tag: example/http/v0.8.0, tag: example/grpc/v0.8.0, tag: example/basic/v0.8.0, upstream/master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Release v0.8.0 (#929)
9e99b44 Bump from 1.28.1 to 1.28.2 in /tools (#930)
4dec0ad [jaeger] Added WithBatchMaxCount as an option (#931)
d979977 Add semantic conventions for OS process as resource attributes (#919)
54fffd6 Update grpctrace instrumentation span names (#922)
d2913b7 Bump from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#925)
c719588 Avoid replacing existing correlation map data in context when correlation context extractor does not find any valid data (#923)
fab431e Fix api/standard constant names and documentation (#920)
cf6462c Bump from 0.10.4 to 0.11.0 in /tools (#926)
03cd779 Add http content size semantic conventions (#905)
1c9aab6 Extend semantic convetions for RPC (#900)
918c654 Update Changelog with omitted changes (#921)
c506e99 Fix B3 propagator and add tests (#882)
3475d55 Fix incorrect aggregation; Prometheus exporter behavior (#903)
808345c Bump CircleCI instance size (#917)
c219029 Update otel-collector example to use collector v0.5.0 (#915)
1c6ca87 Ensure clientTracer closes http.headers span (#912)
463c458 Add more database-specific semantic attributes (#899)
5a4b68c Add semantic convention for faas.coldstart and (#909)
eaa94e9 Avoid setting span status to Unknown when no HTTP status is provided; stdlib assumes it to be 200 OK (#908)
9342eb2 Bump from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 in /tools (#913)
27e892a Remove -v from Go tests (#904)
bd1e174 Add "peer.service" semantic to standard attributes (#898)
8d1f448 Bump from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0 in /tools (#901)
550d365 fix trace event time conversion from internal to otlp (#896)
f1e3536 Update opentracing dependency (#885)
f4b1568 Bump from 0.10.3 to 0.10.4 in /tools (#883)
8205b0b Update B3 header names (#881)
2635f96 Ask for changelog updates with PRs (#879)

Release v0.7.0

26 Jun 22:05
Choose a tag to compare

This release implements the v0.5.0 version of the OpenTelemetry specification.


  • The othttp instrumentation now includes default metrics. (#861)
  • This CHANGELOG file to track all changes in the project going forward.
  • Support for array type attributes. (#798)
  • Apply transitive dependabot go.mod dependency updates as part of a new automatic Github workflow. (#844)
  • Timestamps are now passed to exporters for each export. (#835)
  • Add new Accumulation type to metric SDK to transport telemetry from Accumulators to Processors.
    This replaces the prior Record struct use for this purpose. (#835)
  • New dependabot integration to automate package upgrades. (#814)
  • Meter and Tracer implementations accept instrumentation version version as an optional argument.
    This instrumentation version is passed on to exporters. (#811) (#805) (#802)
  • The OTLP exporter includes the instrumentation version in telemetry it exports. (#811)
  • Environment variables for Jaeger exporter are supported. (#796)
  • New aggregation.Kind in the export metric API. (#808)
  • New example that uses OTLP and the collector. (#790)
  • Handle errors in the span SetName during span initialization. (#791)
  • Default service config to enable retries for retry-able failed requests in the OTLP exporter and an option to override this default. (#777)
  • New package to uniformly support error handling and definitions for the project. (#778)
  • New global default implementation of the interface to be used to handle errors prior to an user defined Handler.
    There is also functionality for the user to register their Handler as well as a convenience function Handle to handle an error with this global Handler(#778)
  • Options to specify propagators for httptrace and grpctrace instrumentation. (#784)
  • The required application/json header for the Zipkin exporter is included in all exports. (#774)
  • Integrate HTTP semantics helpers from the contrib repository into the api/standard package. #769


  • Rename Integrator to Processor in the metric SDK. (#863)
  • Rename AggregationSelector to AggregatorSelector. (#859)
  • Rename SynchronizedCopy to SynchronizedMove. (#858)
  • Rename simple integrator to basic integrator. (#857)
  • Merge otlp collector examples. (#841)
  • Change the metric SDK to support cumulative, delta, and pass-through exporters directly.
    With these changes, cumulative and delta specific exporters are able to request the correct kind of aggregation from the SDK. (#840)
  • The Aggregator.Checkpoint API is renamed to SynchronizedCopy and adds an argument, a different Aggregator into which the copy is stored. (#812)
  • The export.Aggregator contract is that Update() and SynchronizedCopy() are synchronized with each other.
    All the aggregation interfaces (Sum, LastValue, ...) are not meant to be synchronized, as the caller is expected to synchronize aggregators at a higher level after the Accumulator.
    Some of the Aggregators used unnecessary locking and that has been cleaned up. (#812)
  • Use of metric.Number was replaced by int64 now that we use sync.Mutex in the MinMaxSumCount and Histogram Aggregators. (#812)
  • Replace AlwaysParentSample with ParentSample(fallback) to match the OpenTelemetry v0.5.0 specification. (#810)
  • Rename sdk/export/metric/aggregator to sdk/export/metric/aggregation. #808
  • Send configured headers with every request in the OTLP exporter, instead of just on connection creation. (#806)
  • Update error handling for any one off error handlers, replacing, instead, with the global.Handle function. (#791)
  • Rename plugin directory to instrumentation to match the OpenTelemetry specification. (#779)
  • Makes the argument order to Histogram and DDSketch New() consistent. (#781)


  • Uint64NumberKind and related functions from the API. (#864)
  • Context arguments from Aggregator.Checkpoint and Integrator.Process as they were unused. (#803)
  • SpanID is no longer included in parameters for sampling decision to match the OpenTelemetry specification. (#775)


  • Upgrade OTLP exporter to opentelemetry-proto matching the opentelemetry-collector v0.4.0 release. (#866)
  • Allow changes to go.sum and go.mod when running dependabot tidy-up. (#871)
  • Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.6.1. (#824)
  • Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 in /exporters/metric/prometheus. (#867)
  • Bump from 1.29.1 to 1.30.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger. (#853)
  • Bump from 1.29.1 to 1.30.0 in /exporters/trace/zipkin. (#854)
  • Bumps from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 (#848)
  • Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.6.1 in /exporters/otlp (#817)
  • Bump from 1.25.1 to 1.27.0 in /tools (#828)
  • Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.7.0 in /exporters/metric/prometheus (#838)
  • Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.6.1 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#829)
  • Bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 (#815)
  • Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.6.1 in /exporters/trace/zipkin (#823)
  • Bump from 0.10.1 to 0.10.3 in /tools (#830)
  • Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.6.1 in /exporters/metric/prometheus (#822)
  • Bump from 1.27.1 to 1.29.1 in /exporters/trace/zipkin (#820)
  • Bump from 1.27.1 to 1.29.1 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#831)
  • Bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 (#836)
  • Bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#837)
  • Bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 in /exporters/otlp (#839)
  • Bump from 0.20.0 to 0.28.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#843)
  • Set span status from HTTP status code in the othttp instrumentation. (#832)
  • Fixed typo in push controller comment. (#834)
  • The Aggregator testing has been updated and cleaned. (#812)
  • metric.Number(0) expressions are replaced by 0 where possible. (#812)
  • Fixed global handler_test.go test failure. #804
  • Fixed BatchSpanProcessor.Shutdown to wait until all spans are processed. (#766)
  • Fixed OTLP example's accidental early close of exporter. (#807)
  • Ensure zipkin exporter reads and closes response body. (#788)
  • Update instrumentation to use api/standard keys instead of custom keys. (#782)
  • Clean up tools and RELEASING documentation. (#762)

Release v0.6.0

21 May 23:14
Choose a tag to compare


  • Support for Resources in the prometheus exporter. (#757)
  • New pull controller. (#751)
  • New UpDownSumObserver instrument. (#750)
  • OpenTelemetry collector demo. (#711)
  • New SumObserver instrument. (#747)
  • New UpDownCounter instrument. (#745)
  • New timeout Option and configuration function WithTimeout to the push controller. (#742)
  • New api/standards package to implement semantic conventions and standard key-value generation. (#731)


  • Rename Register* functions in the metric API to New* for all Observer instruments. (#761)
  • Use []float64 for histogram boundaries, not []metric.Number. (#758)
  • Change OTLP example to use exporter as a trace Syncer instead of as an unneeded Batcher. (#756)
  • Replace WithResourceAttributes() with WithResource() in the trace SDK. (#754)
  • The prometheus exporter now uses the new pull controller. (#751)
  • Rename ScheduleDelayMillis to BatchTimeout in the trace BatchSpanProcessor.(#752)
  • Support use of synchronous instruments in asynchronous callbacks (#725)
  • Move Resource from the Export method parameter into the metric export Record. (#739)
  • Rename Observer instrument to ValueObserver. (#734)
  • The push controller now has a method (Provider()) to return a metric.Provider instead of the old Meter method that acted as a metric.Provider. (#738)
  • Replace Measure instrument by ValueRecorder instrument. (#732)
  • Rename correlation context header from "Correlation-Context" to "otcorrelations" to match the OpenTelemetry specification. 727)


  • Ensure gRPC ClientStream override methods do not panic in grpctrace package. (#755)
  • Disable parts of BatchSpanProcessor test until a fix is found. (#743)
  • Fix string case in kv Infer function. (#746)
  • Fix panic in grpctrace client interceptors. (#740)
  • Refactor the api/metrics push controller and add CheckpointSet synchronization. (#737)
  • Rewrite span batch process queue batching logic. (#719)
  • Remove the push controller named Meter map. (#738)
  • Fix Histogram aggregator initial state (fix #735). (#736)
  • Ensure golang alpine image is running golang-1.14 for examples. (#733)
  • Added test for grpctrace UnaryInterceptorClient. (#695)
  • Rearrange api/metric code layout. (#724)

Release v0.5.0

14 May 00:41
Choose a tag to compare


  • Batch Observer callback support. (#717)
  • Alias api types to root package of project. (#696)
  • Create basic othttp.Transport for simple client instrumentation. (#678)
  • SetAttribute(string, interface{}) to the trace API. (#674)
  • Jaeger exporter option that allows user to specify custom http client. (#671)
  • Stringer and Infer methods to keys. (#662)


  • Rename NewKey in the kv package to just Key. (#721)
  • Move core and key to kv package. (#720)
  • Make the metric API Meter a struct so the abstract MeterImpl can be passed and simplify implementation. (#709)
  • Rename SDK Batcher to Integrator to match draft OpenTelemetry SDK specification. (#710)
  • Rename SDK Ungrouped integrator to simple.Integrator to match draft OpenTelemetry SDK specification. (#710)
  • Rename SDK SDK struct to Accumulator to match draft OpenTelemetry SDK specification. (#710)
  • Move Number from core to api/metric package. (#706)
  • Move SpanContext from core to trace package. (#692)
  • Change traceparent header from Traceparent to traceparent to implement the W3C specification. (#681)


  • Update tooling to run generators in all submodules. (#705)
  • gRPC interceptor regexp to match methods without a service name. (#683)
  • Use a const for padding 64-bit B3 trace IDs. (#701)
  • Update mockZipkin listen address from :0 to (#700)
  • Left-pad 64-bit B3 trace IDs with zero. (#698)
  • Propagate at least the first W3C tracestate header. (#694)
  • Remove internal StateLocker implementation. (#688)
  • Increase instance size CI system uses. (#690)
  • Add a key benchmark and use reflection in key.Infer(). (#679)
  • Fix internal global test by using global.Meter with RecordBatch(). (#680)
  • Reimplement histogram using mutex instead of StateLocker. (#669)
  • Switch MinMaxSumCount to a mutex lock implementation instead of StateLocker. (#667)
  • Update documentation to not include any references to WithKeys. (#672)
  • Correct misspelling. (#668)
  • Fix clobbering of the span context if extraction fails. (#656)
  • Bump golangci-lint and work around the corrupting bug. (#666) (#670)

Release v0.4.3

24 Apr 22:32
Choose a tag to compare


  • Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml to run example code. (#635)
  • New grpctrace package that provides gRPC client and server interceptors for both unary and stream connections. (#621)
  • New api/label package, providing common label set implementation. (#651)
  • Support for JSON marshaling of Resources. (#654)
  • TraceID and SpanID implementations for Stringer interface. (#642)
  • RemoteAddrKey in the othttp plugin to include the HTTP client address in top-level spans. (#627)
  • WithSpanFormatter option to the othttp plugin. (#617)
  • Updated README to include section for compatible libraries and include reference to the contrib repository. (#612)
  • The prometheus exporter now supports exporting histograms. (#601)
  • A String method to the Resource to return a hashable identifier for a now unique resource. (#613)
  • An Iter method to the Resource to return an array AttributeIterator. (#613)
  • An Equal method to the Resource test the equivalence of resources. (#613)
  • An iterable structure (AttributeIterator) for Resource attributes.


  • zipkin export's NewExporter now requires a serviceName argument to ensure this needed values is provided. (#644)
  • Pass Resources through the metrics export pipeline. (#659)


  • WithKeys option from the metric API. (#639)


  • Use the label.Set.Equivalent value instead of an encoding in the batcher. (#658)
  • Correct typo trace.Exporter to trace.SpanSyncer in comments. (#653)
  • Use type names for return values in jaeger exporter. (#648)
  • Increase the visibility of the api/key package by updating comments and fixing usages locally. (#650)
  • Checkpoint only after Update; Keep records in the sync.Map longer. (#647)
  • Do not cache reflect.ValueOf() in metric Labels. (#649)
  • Batch metrics exported from the OTLP exporter based on Resource and labels. (#626)
  • Add error wrapping to the prometheus exporter. (#631)
  • Update the OTLP exporter batching of traces to use a unique string representation of an associated Resource as the batching key. (#623)
  • Update OTLP SpanData transform to only include the ParentSpanID if one exists. (#614)
  • Update Resource internal representation to uniquely and reliably identify resources. (#613)
  • Check return value from CheckpointSet.ForEach in prometheus exporter. (#622)
  • Ensure spans created by httptrace client tracer reflect operation structure. (#618)
  • Create a new recorder rather than reuse when multiple observations in same epoch for asynchronous instruments. #610
  • The default port the OTLP exporter uses to connect to the OpenTelemetry collector is updated to match the one the collector listens on by default. (#611)

Changes since v0.4.2

1de7f68 Prepare for releasing v0.4.3 (#664)
52b2534 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Update Maintainer for Otel Go. (#660)
3008c1b Pass Resources through the metrics export pipeline (#659)
cd1be0e Use the label.Set.Equivalent value instead of an encoding in the batcher (#658)
6402598 add Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml to run example code (#635)
6de3dab Resolve #72 - gRPC Interceptor (#621)
0bb12d9 New api/label package, common label set impl (#651)
acb350b Support JSON marshal of Resources (#654)
d20fc72 Fix typo trace.Exporter to trace.SpanSyncer (#653)
ddad4d4 trace exporter: using type names for return values (#648)
927d915 Increase the visibility of the api/key package (#650)
395440d Checkpoint only after Update; Keep records in the sync.Map longer (#647)
e554562 Do not cache reflect.ValueOf() in metrics Labels (#649)
cf7c4e5 fix zipkin without local endpoint with service name (#644)
669d4b3 TraceID and SpanID implementations for Stringer Interface (#642)
ebc245b Batch Metrics Exported From the OTLP Exporter (#626)
a8f7b32 Remove WithKeys() option, defaultkeys batcher (#639)
bcb8b64 prometheus: add error wrapping (#631)
8c94927 othttp: add RemoteAddrKey for including HTTP client address in top-level spans (#627)
0a9e861 Update the OTLP exporter batching of traces (#623)
856aad9 Update OTLP SpanData transform (#614)
8e97011 Update Resource (#613)
6005d01 prometheus: check return value from CheckpointSet.ForEach (#622)
c8ec530 Ensure spans created by httptrace client tracer reflect operation structure (#618)
6489b07 othttp: add WithSpanFormatter option (#617)
367635b Create a new recorder rather than reuse one for same labels (#610)
0f771bb (tools) added readme section to point to contrib repo (#612)
446727b Updated default port for OTLP exporter (#611)
8ef02a6 prometheus: add histogram support to exporter (#601)