Note: All the versions not mentioned in the changelog file do not contain changes.
v1.26.0 (2023-01-16)
- #2735 Bump @angular/core from 6.1.10 to 11.0.5 in /test/e2e-test-application (@dependabot[bot])
- #3094 Enhance left nav a11y (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3049 Add callback to openAsModal for core api (@hardl)
- #2963 LuigiClient type declaration for web components (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2955 Allow right alignment of statusBadge (@hardl)
- #3013 Tooltip for categories expand collapse button (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2980 Add 'isDrawer' to luigi client api (@ndricimrr)
- #2941 Add external link option for IBN (@ndricimrr)
- #2932 Allow LuigiElement shadow mode configuration (@ndricimrr)
- #3072 History handling for modals (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2984 Fix unsaved changes modal not closing after browser back (@ndricimrr)
- #3039 Fix drawer overlap (@hardl)
- #2953 Fix broken link (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #2901 Plus sign not decoded correctly when adding and then getting nodeParams (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2949 Add missing withOptions function typings (@ndricimrr)
v1.25.1 (2022-10-04)
v1.25.0 (2022-09-30)
- #2908 Ignore events from inactive iframes (@hardl)
- #2893 Add getActiveFeatureToggles in Luigi WC (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2900 CRA Luigi Template (@ndricimrr)
- #2878 Implement tests by using luigi mock module (@viktorsperling)
- #2858 Add Viewgroup Background Option (@ndricimrr)
- #2873 Hide top navigation (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2861 Introduce js-test-application for e2e tests (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2808 Remove javascript void from nav href (@ndricimrr)
- #2838 Fix sessionStorage not working (@hardl)
- #2850 Fix preload url routing (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2827 Fix mkdocs.yml file (@alexandra-simeonova)
v1.24.0 (2022-07-15)
- #2803 Add decode mfe src url search params option (@hardl)
- #2674 Custom item renderer for app switcher (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2770 Responsive padding for the Shellbar Component (@UlianaMunich)
- #2765 Multiple modal dialogs (@ndricimrr)
- #2807 Remove backdrop on node change (@ndricimrr)
- #2792 Fix patchy product switch grid icon (@hardl)
- #2783 Fixed viewgroup inheritance (@hardl)
- #2765 Refactor buildpath for getcurrentpath (@ndricimrr)
v1.23.1 (2022-06-20)
- #2748 Improve dom selectors in Luigi API (@UlianaMunich)
v1.23.0 (2022-06-17)
- #2752 Disable keyboard accessibility for user settings dialog (@ndricimrr)
- #2739 Add getCurrentRoute linkmanager (@ndricimrr)
- #2691 Scalable keyboard accessibility for Dropdown in User Settings Dialog (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2723 Update all Core examples with latest versions of Luigi Core/Client and FD Styles (@UlianaMunich)
- #2753 FIx feature toggles reading phase (@hardl)
- #2742 Fix updateModalPathInternalNavigation not working with options (@hardl)
- #2745 Signout entry misaligned in simple Profile Menu (@UlianaMunich)
- #2740 Fix typo in angular support lib docu (@alexandra-simeonova)
v1.22.0 (2022-05-19)
- #2704 Disable keyboard accessibility outside drawer and modal (@ndricimrr)
- #2672 Disable keyboard accessibility on confirmation modal background elements (@ndricimrr)
- #2642 Add functionality for allow attribute to be separated by semicolons (@viktorsperling)
- #2709 Fix configChange event firing twice (@ndricimrr)
- #2692 Fix empty nodeParams on browser back navigation (@ndricimrr)
- #2694 Fix bug for nested properties for viewUrl replacement (@hardl)
- #2686 Fix getNodeParams decoding issue (@ndricimrr)
- #2566 Keyboard accessibility for user settings dialog (@UlianaMunich)
- #2666 Error handling on productswitcher columns calculation (@JohannesDoberer)
v1.21.0 (2022-04-07)
- #2505 withoutSync navigation for modalPathParam (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2584 Update Fundamental Styles in Luigi Core to v0.20.0 (@UlianaMunich)
- #2622 Remove experimental flag for webcomponents (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2607 Set modal size more precise (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2598 keepURL in pagenotfoundhandler (@hardl)
- #2509 Core navigate function returns promise (@rafalgamon)
- #2488 Add function which allows to get the footer container (@UlianaMunich)
- #2599 Url anchor support for micro frontends(@stanleychh)
- #2629 Fix click support for open in new tab function (@ndricimrr)
- #2626 Hide empty categories (@hardl)
- #2620 Fix splitview overlapping issue (@ndricimrr)
- #2605 Fix faulty pathExists race condition (@ndricimrr)
- #2610 Add updateModalSettings typings (@ndricimrr)
- #2611 Prevent double init in web components (@hardl)
- #2537 Context update for user settings microfrontends (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2594 Confirmation modal from special iframe mfes (@hardl)
- #2527 Error handling global search centered (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2512 Set CSS-variable for badge color (@UlianaMunich)
- #2492 Fix Search params not being deleted (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2498 Hide side navigation footer when it is collapsed and has "Fiori3" type (@UlianaMunich)
- #2490 Fix node params not working when hashrouting enabled (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2452 Make User Setting dialog to use compact controls and add User Account avatar(@UlianaMunich)
- #2627 Fixed search params encoded twice issue (@stanleychh)
v1.20.1 (2022-01-21)
- #2483 Escaping helpers improvement and config fix of e2e app (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2475 Fix - getCoreSearchParams should not return undefined (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2424 Fixed navigation flyout styles CSS variables (@rafalgamon)
- #2474 Style active node in ShellBar (@UlianaMunich)
- #2472 Node params are not deleted (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2466 Proper styling for App Switcher with one entity (@UlianaMunich)
- #2467 Oidc mockserver fix (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2469 Fixed additional sap icon fonts (@JohannesDoberer)
v1.20.0 (2021-12-23)
- #2432 Change sap-icon-- to icon function (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2385 Searchfield configurable - global searchfield centered (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2370 Dynamic pathSegment for breadcrumbs NavHeader (@hardl)
- #2409 Params handling improvements (@stanleychh)
- #2456 Disable double scroll when zooming in the browser (@UlianaMunich)
- #2447 Fix category icon not applied if category not on first node (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2437 Fixed nodeChangeHook issues (@hardl)
- #2393 Strip query params in linkmanager navigate (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2425 Search field clear btn on global search centered (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2403 Fix Luigi Context Observable running outside of Angular Zone (@SomeKay)
v1.19.0 (2021-11-26)
- #2383 Introduce clearNavigationCache() to clear children and titleResolver cache (@stanleychh)
- #2369 Replace CSS static value with SAP Fiori 3 variable in LeftNav (@UlianaMunich)
- #2352 Node category merging improvements (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2391 Style language dropdown under User Settings Dialog (@UlianaMunich)
- #2375 Webcomponent drawer overlap bug (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2289 Fixed context update for special iframes (@rafalgamon)
- #2374 Make User Menu type of Fiori3 to use 'Compact' mode instead of 'Cozy' (@UlianaMunich)
v1.18.1 (2021-11-08)
- #license udpate Added license to client-support-angular library (@hardl)
v1.18.0 (2021-11-02)
- #2298 Check if given path exists for core/client openAsX functions (@ndricimrr)
- #2336 Update Luigi Core/Client in examples Apps (@UlianaMunich)
- #2280 Fixed visibleForFeatureToggles for Compound WebComponent (@rafalgamon)
- #2304 Feature - customAlertHandler (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2242 Add tooltipText param to TopNav and LeftNav (@rafalgamon)
- #2294 Fixed resizing main iframe container if a drawer is opened (@rafalgamon)
- #2322 Update modal title and size from micro frontend (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2288 Enable core api templating for compound children and external link node (@stanleychh)
- #2333 Fix changeable settings config properties (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2332 Rename aria-label from Avatar to Username (@UlianaMunich)
- #2350 Changeable routing config properties (@JohannesDoberer)
v1.17.0 (2021-10-12)
- #2286 Resolve intent path to actual path (@ndricimrr)
- #2293 Refactor the Language Dropdown under User Settings Dialog (@UlianaMunich)
- #2219 Expose getCurrentLocale in webcomponent luigi client (@Patil2099)
- #2267 Expand path exists to intent check (@ndricimrr)
- #2256 Make Profile Dropdown entities accessible via keyboard(@UlianaMunich)
- #2306 Fixing cursor for a "Fiori3" Profile Dropdown in Shellbar (@UlianaMunich)
- #2314 Fix navigation context for special iframes (@hardl)
- #2253 Fix wc and splitview wc opened together (@ndricimrr)
v1.16.2 (2021-09-22)
- #2284 Fix error on modal creation (@JohannesDoberer)
v1.16.1 (2021-09-09)
- #2236 Microfrontend access to query params (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2207 Routing core api (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2262 Fix no-animation if #app is not found (@hardl)
- #2263 Fix newTab navigation with hash routing enabled bug (@ndricimrr)
- #2258 Fix goBack with dynamic node functionality (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2252 Fix wrong context from modal (@stanleychh)
v1.16.0 (2021-08-27)
- #2226 Make navigateToIntent parameters optional (@ndricimrr)
- #2196 Extend intent based navigation (@ndricimrr)
- #2190 Add newTab option to linkManager (@ndricimrr)
- #2173 Node title resolver nav up (@hardl)
- #2177 Enable addNavHrefs to be applied to the App Dropdown in TopNav (@UlianaMunich)
- #2172 Add possibility to enable product switch to be opened in new Tab (@UlianaMunich)
- #2224 Fixed global search on smal devices (@rafalgamon)
- #2220 Remove red and purple underline from GlobalNav (@UlianaMunich)
- #2195 Fix Positioning for spinner modal container (@Patil2099)
- #2230 Fix & Re-Enable Docu Generation (@ndricimrr)
v1.15.0 (2021-08-05)
- #2168 Add navHref support for profile dropdown (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2167 Handle runtime errors on core level (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2166 Add addNavHref support for TopNav (@UlianaMunich)
- #2154 Add addNavHref support for GlobalNav (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2170 Fixed Web Component works as drawer (@rafalgamon)
- #2159 Fixed splitview bottom not adjusting to fiddle footer (@rafalgamon)
v1.14.3 (2021-07-21)
- #2163 Bug fix navigation to home (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2164 Bug fix initials undefined (@hardl)
v1.14.2 (2021-07-15)
v1.14.1 (2021-07-14)
- #2129 Disable left nav animation when switching from/to mfe with hideSideNav (@wdoberschuetz)
- #2139 Prevent to open a node w/o children and empty viewUrl (@stanleychh)
- #2147 Fix split view overlapping global nav (@UlianaMunich)
- #2142 Fix issue with hidden text in new user menu (@UlianaMunich)
- #2127 fix left nav scrollbar (@hardl)
- #2126 Add global variables and rules to adapt App Title for mobile and Tablet (@UlianaMunich)
- #2074 Update FD Styles from v0.17 to v0.18 (@UlianaMunich)
- #2088 Extend Luigi Emulator functionality (@ndricimrr)
- #2089 Add user settings placeholder (@rafalgamon)
- #2092 Reset luigi via core api (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2094 Fix hardcode LogoTitle aria-label and alt text (@rafalgamon)
- #2081 Make Logo and App title an anchor in Shellbar (@UlianaMunich)
- #2084 WC nested fix (@hardl)
- #1996 Update Fundamental Styles library from v0.14.0 to v0.17.0 (@UlianaMunich)
- #2049 Extend options of enum type in user settings (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2040 Luigi context emulation in e2e for microfrontends (@ndricimrr)
- #1996 Update Fundamental Styles library from v0.14.0 to v0.17.0 (@UlianaMunich)
- #2011 Dispatch hashchange event (@hardl)
- #1995 Introduce i18n variable in viewUrl (@stanleychh)
- #1976 Disable browser history option (@JohannesDoberer)
- #2064 Route null fix (@munikumar604)
- #2065 Path exists fix (@hardl)
- #2043 LuigiAutoRoutingService bug fix (@hardl)
- #1987 Confirmation modal not visible (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1991 Make current iframe inactive when switch to wc (@hardl)
- #1977 Fix issue with styling active tab (@UlianaMunich)
- #1975 Fix undefined bug in virtualTree warning (@ndricimrr)
- #1958 Use Byline component for user settings dialog (@UlianaMunich)
- #1949 Normalize link paths (@hardl)
- #1967 Limit max-width of Application title only on mobile (@UlianaMunich)
- #1953 Fix context update bug (@ndricimrr)
- #1926 Show Application title on mobile as well (@UlianaMunich)
- #1841 Bookmarkable modals (@maxmarkus)
- #1935 Add warning if both virtualTree and children nodes are defined (@ndricimrr)
- #1894 Add more flexibility to control handshake (@legteodav)
- #1942 Fix 'disabled loadingIndicator' bug when opening in modal (@ndricimrr)
- #1916 Shell header improvements (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1912 Change color of active link (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1900 Confirmation modal enhancements (@stanleychh)
- #1900 Apply guidelines for user settings dialog (@UlianaMunich)
- #1854 Different visual appearances for boolean#1768 (@legteodav)
- #1863 Support types for confirmation modal (@stanleychh)
- #1861 Error handling for user settings dialog (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1883 Bugfix in read/write custom function in luigi user settings config(@JohannesDoberer)
- #1805 Update Core fundamental styles from v.11 to v.14 (@UlianaMunich)
- #1833 Move user settings config to an own section (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1744 Provide a e2e test for "withoutSync()" bug fix (@legteodav)
- #1859 Change Profile Avatar layout and logic (@UlianaMunich)
- #1840 Fixed OIDC Implicit Flow id_token Issue (@hardl)
- #1849 Fix Loading Indicator Fixed Background Color (@legteodav)
- #1802 Custom Micro-Frontend for User Settings (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1821 Fix Styling of User Name in Profile Dropdown (@UlianaMunich)
- #1790 Add Different Visual Appearances for Enums (@legteodav)
- #1809 Add ng Support Library Enhancements (@hardl)
- #1799 Make navigateIframe and prepareInternalData Functions be Async (@stanleychh)
v1.7.1 π π π
- #1761 multi-level keepSelectedForChildren (@hardl)
- #1753 Global search enhancements (@legteodav)
- #1765 Fix drawer undefined bug (@ndricimrr)
- #1784 Browser history fix (@hardl)
- #1756 Feature - Angular supporting library (@legteodav)
- #1751 Feature - WebComponents support (@hardl)
- #1720 Fix
history behaviour (@andrei-scripcaru)
- #1734 Documentation website using Luigi.globalSearch() API (#1690) (@legteodav)
- #1707 Simple storage api for micro frontends (@legteodav)
- #1704 Add openNodeInModal attribute to Profile section of the documentation (@UlianaMunich)
- #1659 Add drawer component (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1716 Remove default outline for iframeContainer (@legteodav)
- #1689 Safari bug with shellbar dropdowns blue outlie (@UlianaMunich)
- #1634 Implement intent based navigation (@ndricimrr)
- #1652 Expose login method in core api(@ionutcirja)
- #1631 Updating Auth API to allow dynamic logout (@dangrima90)
- #1623 Add accordion effect to categories (@azriel46d)
- #1620 Add disableInputHelpers for globalsearch (@maxmarkus)
- #1665 Enable collapsed left side navigation via Core API (@UlianaMunich)
- #1665 Fix bug in nav collapsed state (@UlianaMunich)
- #1671 Fix bug IE11 domain check (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1675 Prevent to open a second splitview from LuigiClient (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1641 Close splitview after navigation (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1633 Fix issues with broken left side nav in semiCollapsed mode and scroller (@UlianaMunich)
- #1640 Fixed nav hrefs for hash routing (@hardl)
- #1624 Fix modal content not displaying issue in Safari (@stanleychh)
- #1611 Theming API (@maxmarkus)
- #1591 Possibility to set document title without Luigi header config (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1578 Modal loading indicator and close Modal event (@azriel46d)
- #1579 Luigi sample with NextJs (@stanleychh)
- #1571 Feature toggles (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1542 Update Fundamental Styles library to 0.11.0 (@UlianaMunich)
- #1565 Fix for content security policy issues (@maxmarkus)
- #1612 Fix issue with dotted outline in the left side nav (@UlianaMunich)
- #1606 Fix shellbar buttons alignment issue (@stanleychh)
- #1587 Add up arrow key press to global search (@stanleychh)
- #1580 Iframe handshake sync (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1514 Fix a border-radius bug in nested list for 'Select Environment' popover (@UlianaMunich)
- #1496 NEW: Global search (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1478 OIDC Support for Authorization Code flow with PKCE (@azriel46d)
- #1477 ContextSwitcher fix selected state (@maxmarkus)
- #1441 Navigation with and without params on the same node (@ndricimrr)
With Luigi version v1.3.0, the new v0.10.0 of Fundamental Library Styles were included. As a result, there were breaking changes to the Luigi side navigation. You can see the updated layout here.
- #1453 Fix logout label (@maxmarkus)
- #1431 Fix semicollapsible resize (@maxmarkus)
- #1429 Added showLabel attribute to node for top level nav (@azriel46d)
- #1409 Added badge counter to left navigation (@azriel46d)
- #1433 Fix double frame (@hardl)
- #1436 Remove window.parent check from Client (@maxmarkus)
- Reverted release.
- #1316 Add onNodeChange hook (@zarkosimic)
- #1326 Selected state for product switch items (@hardl)
- #1304 Add possibility to unload Luigi (@maxmarkus)
- #1356 Fix client half init state (@maxmarkus)
- #1374 Fix flyout title propagation (@maxmarkus)
- #1367 Add testing production build capability (@ndricimrr)
- #1364 Fix iframe fallback (@maxmarkus)
- #1376 Fix left-nav flyout (@zarkosimic)
- #1368 ContextSwitcher bugfix (@marynaKhromova)
- #1335 Fix oidc regenerator runtime issue (@maxmarkus)
- #1313 Add read-only keyword labels to documentation (@ndricimrr)
- #1318 Fix tabnav active state indication (@hardl)
- #1278 Cache improvements for dynamic nodes (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1284 Documentation for Internationalization i18n (@maxmarkus)
- #1287 Link to 0.7.x documentation (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1267 Following an upgrade to Fundamental Library Styles version 0.8.1, there were changes in the HTML structure. Some classes were renamed or removed completely. You can find the full list of Fundamental Library Styles changes here. (@marynaKhromova)
- #1283 Translate tooltip text in semi collapsed mode and add title attributes to entries in left nav (@zarkosimic)
- #1269 Oidc provider uses storage type also for oidc client configuration (@maxmarkus)
- #1241 Update fundamental styles to 0.8.1 (@UlianaMunich)
- #1291 Fix semicollapsible issue (@maxmarkus)
- #1271 Fix leftnav nav-sync issue (@maxmarkus)
- #1263 Fiddle demo page mobile view (@UlianaMunich)
- #1226 Add fromVirtualTreeRoot to linkManager (@maxmarkus)
- #1222 Add fromParent to linkManager (@ndricimrr)
- #1159 Getting notified of unresponsive Luigi clients (@zarkosimic)
- #1251 Flyout should close after click (@marynaKhromova)
- #1213 Fix OIDC storage: none (@maxmarkus)
- #1220 Fix duplicate login logout buttons (@maxmarkus)
- #1151 Add customSelectedOptionRenderer to style ContextSwitcher dropdown button (@ndricimrr)
- #1058 Refactor authorisation to activate idp providers before Luigi is rendered (@maxmarkus)
- #1055 Externalize auth providers (@maxmarkus)
- #912 Switch to fundamental styles (@marynaKhromova)
- #1189 Modal window contrast on dark themes (@marynaKhromova)
- #1158 Aligned splitview and centered arrow (@ndricimrr)
- #1155 Document potential wrong-usage of context/dynamic nodes (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1135 Add fundamental library styles section to migration docu (@marynaKhromova)
- #1172 Fix virtualtree trailing slash (@maxmarkus)
- #1179 Fix navigate ok check for withoutSync (@maxmarkus)
- #1173 Recalculation after cache deletion (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1148 deleteCache was missing in contextswitcher (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1145 Route change loses context in contextswitcher (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1060 Luigi Videos (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1116 Add implementations/scenarios (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1075 Virtual tree navigation (@maxmarkus)
- #1111 Ability to update core URL without micro frontend URL change (@maxmarkus)
- #1076 Core API: Add splitview functionality (@ndricimrr)
- #1129 OpenIdConnect (OIDC) provider profile interceptor (@maxmarkus)
- #1119 Refactor resolved node children data management (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1115 Profile icon tooltip text (@maxmarkus)
- #1109 Document how to make use of contextUpdateListener (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1096 Document how to set auth storage type (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1099 Update documentation for examples + consolidate filenames (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1083 Open profile items in a modal window (@zarkosimic)
- #1081 CustomMessages from external mf does not work (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1068 Fix fd-modal mix-up (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1034 Add valid href to navigation links (@maxmarkus)
- #1065 Fix items calculation in more btn of tab nav (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1047 Custom options renderer config error (@maxmarkus)
- #1025 Improve API documentation (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1024 Improve authorization doc structure (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1000 Improve Overview page (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #965 Improve (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #877 Create content guidelines (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1003 Documentation fixes (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #1002 Implicit structural nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #1014 Disable context switcher drop down caret when there is only one option (@pekura)
- #1008 Custom item renderer for options in context switcher (@JohannesDoberer)
- #993 React setup (@ndricimrr)
- #994 Handle init in Luigi client without init handshake (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1028 Add navigation functionality to core api (@JohannesDoberer)
- #1017 Improve root nav caching (@maxmarkus)
- #1027 Add nonce param for OAuth2 and parameters to userInfoFn (@maxmarkus)
- #1023 Document anonymous access (@maxmarkus)
- #970 Third party cookie check (@JohannesDoberer)
- #941 Strip down angular example app (@pekura)
- #901 Inactive lifecycle hook (@maxmarkus)
- #923 Refactor authentication (@maxmarkus)
- #925 Provide possibility to add alt attribute to the
tag (@marynaKhromova)
- #926 Update vue example app (@pekura)
- #992 Edge browser back issue fixed (@maxmarkus)
- #979 Invalid initial root navigation node bug fix (@maxmarkus)
- #937 Example app switcher backdrop bug fix (@maxmarkus)
- #982 FAQ page in documentation (@maxmarkus)
- #969 Luigi architecture page (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #957 Luigi client installation document (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #907 Categories for documentation (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #847 Improve navigation parameters reference (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #920 Invalid auth provider error handling (@JohannesDoberer)
- #931 The goBack context is not delivered to preserved view (@pekura)
- #916 Backdrop not covering split-view micro frontend (@pekura)
- #843 Svelte 3 migration (@pekura)
- #871 Tab-style navigation (@JohannesDoberer)
- #900 TabNav component refactoring (@marynaKhromova)
- #894 Add hook at micro frontend container creation (@pekura)
- #898 Added links to getting started guide (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #869 Fixed api links (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #881 Add and describe "allowRules" in the general settings (@zarkosimic)
- #867 Improve Luigi readme (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #866 Improve authorization configuration (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #836 Create getting started guide (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #832 Set userinfo without auth, new navigation.profile.staticUserInfoFn (@maxmarkus)
- #845 Extend iframe with "allow" attribute (@zarkosimic)
- #840 Move show alert and show confirmation modal to new core api ux section (@zarkosimic)
- #846 default icon for left nav item when it's collapsed (@marynaKhromova)
- #830 SEO optimisation (@marynaKhromova)
- #834 Vue app auth error (@JohannesDoberer)
- #864 fixed links to Lerna (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #862 Fiddle links in docs (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #857 Clean up example links in docs (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #826 Improve (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #840 Move show alert and show confirmation modal to new core api ux section (@zarkosimic)
- #813 Improve Luigi docs readme file (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #825 Context switcher should (optionally) not shorten the navigation path on context change (@pekura)
- #812 custom logout action in profile section (@JohannesDoberer)
- #787 luigiAfterInit lifecycle hook + app loading indicator (@maxmarkus)
- #803 Title dropdown feature for switching applications (@pekura)
- #791 user menu without authorization (@JohannesDoberer)
- #821 Rework backdrop for luigi-app-root bootstrap mode (@zarkosimic)
- #792 Avoid Luigi not configured alert (@JohannesDoberer)
- #790 Replace UI tests attributes (@zarkosimic)
- #794 Change spelling to "micro frontend" (@alexandra-simeonova)
- #746 Custom events for core client communication (@maxmarkus)
- #756 Add test attribute to navigation nodes (@JohannesDoberer)
- #752 Mechanism for partial Luigi config update (@pekura)
- #745 Extend iframe sandbox rules (@JohannesDoberer)
- #760 Prevent luigi.auth.tokenIssued infinite loop (@maxmarkus)
- #717 Add documentation for responsive app setup (@jesusreal)
- #725 I18n luigi internal texts and messages translatable (@JohannesDoberer)
- #703 Product Switcher documentation and configurable label and icon (@maxmarkus)
- #697 Callback documentation for LuigiClient.addInitListener (@maxmarkus)
- #703 Product Switcher documentation and configurable label and icon (@maxmarkus)
- #705 Core api for getting translation for a specified key for given locale (@JohannesDoberer)
- #707 Add luigi bootstrap dom element option (@jesusreal)
- #694 smooth scrolling on mobile devices (@JohannesDoberer)
- #669 product switcher header to fiori3 concept (@JohannesDoberer)
- #678 Client permissions available in the client (@JohannesDoberer)
- #650 Split View micro frontends (@maxmarkus)
- #664 Accumulated badge counter for mobile (@maxmarkus)
- #712 Fix error on click on navigation node when node is active (@jesusreal)
- #500 Fix path routing (@y-kkamil)
- #665 Fix custom idp provider login function check (@maxmarkus)
- #690 Open split view in collapsed state (@maxmarkus)
- #668 Fix broken links in docu for auth providers (@jesusreal)
- #708 Fix error on click on navigation node when node is active (@jesusreal)
- #663 Remove nav highlight for semiCollapsible collapsed category (@maxmarkus)
- #648 Generic node actions (@jesusreal)
- #651 Post message target handling in Luigi Client (@JohannesDoberer)
- #562 Notification badge for counters (@maxmarkus)
- #640 Remove external link indicator for shellbar header nodes (@marynaKhromova)
- #638 Security dev guidelines for MF (@JohannesDoberer)
- #639 Alias function for getEventData (@JohannesDoberer)
- #653 Context switcher does not work when parentNodePath is root (@pekura)
- #647 Lodash vulnerability fix (@JohannesDoberer)
- #632 Remove side navigation footer when no footer text and no semi-collapsible navigation (@marynaKhromova)
- #623 Node category documentation (@maxmarkus)
- #627 Document view groups (@jesusreal)
- #626 Open modal from navigation node (@JohannesDoberer)
- #624 Fiori 3 compliant left navigation collapse (@marynaKhromova)
- #610 Improve default child mechanism (@maxmarkus)
- #618 Dropdown functionality for top right navigation nodes (@JohannesDoberer)
- #601 Add ie11 support (@jesusreal)
- #600 View group preloading (@pekura)
- #595 Add goBack support for normal navigation (@maxmarkus)
- #596 Add allow-modals to iframe sandbox options (@JohannesDoberer)
- #613 ContextSwitcher: Always reload if lazyLoadOption is enabled (@maxmarkus)
- #608 Fix core package json merge error (@jesusreal)
- #621 Update the general settings docu (@bszwarc)
- #602 Core API docu (@maxmarkus)
- #585 577 close modals by esc-key (@JohannesDoberer)
- #545 On auth expire soon event (@JohannesDoberer)
- #569 Reduce luigi client and core bundle size (@jesusreal)
- #552 Improve control over luigi bootstrap process (@pekura)
- #544 Extend luigi core api by methods for getting important dom elements (@marynaKhromova)
- #501 Luigi Authentication Events (@maxmarkus)
- #503 Display info in bottom left corner (@parostatkiem)
- #520 Cache and reuse viewgroups frame (@JohannesDoberer)
- #514 display picture in topnav for idp flow (@JohannesDoberer)
- #504 Add user pic to userinfo (@JohannesDoberer)
- #498 Update unit tests dependencies for luigi core (@jesusreal)
- #493 Make profile dropdown extensible (@jesusreal)
- #480 Alert improvements (@parostatkiem)
- #484 Display userinfo (@JohannesDoberer)
- #476 remove unnecessary styles (@marynaKhromova)
- #599 diff vulnerability fix (@JohannesDoberer)
- #580 axios vulnerability fix (@JohannesDoberer)
- #575 Node refresh bug on hash routing (@jesusreal)
- #566 Improve e2e testrunner script (@maxmarkus)
- #561 Fix e2e install (@maxmarkus)
- #558 Fix bug by overwriting description only when present (@jesusreal)
- #526 Bug in left navigation (@marynaKhromova)
- #528 Error message for invalid auth provider (@maxmarkus)
- #530 Fix dev server reload issue (@maxmarkus)
- #523 485 fix headerjs error (@maxmarkus)
- #482 fix linter errors (@maxmarkus)
- #546 Modernize luigi client (@maxmarkus)
- #544 Extend luigi core api by methods for getting important dom elements (@marynaKhromova)
- #542 Documented luigi.auth.tokenIssued event (@maxmarkus)
- #531 Cleanup codeowners and contributing files (@jesusreal)
- #468 Check origin of postMessages (@dariadomagala)
- #460 Modal mfs e2e tests (@parostatkiem)
- #451 Prevent unlogged rendering (@parostatkiem)
- #463 Add simple collapsible navigation option (@hardl)
- #459 Display labels in mobile top header menu, vertical alignment for labels (@marynaKhromova)
- #446 Modal mfs (@JohannesDoberer)
- #438 Improve login error behavior (@maxmarkus)
- #437 Optimize luigi.css size (@marynaKhromova)
- #424 Product switcher on mobile (@parostatkiem)
- #435 Fix alert message hidden under content window (@y-kkamil)
- #425 Add ts declaration file (@y-kkamil)
- #423 Duplicated logos and app switcher markup (@JohannesDoberer)
- #461 Prevent unescaped characters in the Alert component (@y-kkamil)
- #466 Deactivate Typescript Declaration file for Luigi Client (@jesusreal)
- #448 Escape some html characters for alert component (@y-kkamil)
- #429 Luigi Client package should not contain src folder (@jesusreal)
- #427 Fix transparent background in alerts (@dariadomagala)
- #454 Documentation for modal micro frontends (@JohannesDoberer)
- #442 Remove Creative Commons license from the docs folder (@klaudiagrz)
- #419 Change the codeowners file (@mmitoraj)
- #412 Focus improvements (@hardl)
- #409 Fix double-click selection issue (@hardl)
- #411 Wrap alert in an invisible overlay (@parostatkiem)
- #403 fix generic alert bug (@JohannesDoberer)
- #333 Fix errors when building luigi angular sample application (@kwiatekus)
- #395 Add generic alert (@jesusreal)
- #394 fix application setup issues (@JohannesDoberer)
- #390 Implement test coverage feature (@parostatkiem)
- #389 Add generic confirmation modal (@jesusreal)
- #385 Reload micro frontend when clicking on selected node (@maxmarkus)
- #371 add product switcher to navigation (@JohannesDoberer)
- #392 Reload same node fails if no iframe exists (@maxmarkus)
- #380 Fix default child and 404 error mechanism bug (@dariadomagala)
- #313 Luigi config meets es6 (@parostatkiem)
- #325 Webpack for LuigiClient (@parostatkiem)
- #321 Dynamic nodes prevent navigation tree mutation (@maxmarkus)
- #310 Improve 404 handling (@parostatkiem)
- #315 Add isolate all views setting (@dariadomagala)
- #339 Increase oidc client loading timeout (@kwiatekus)
- #377 Fix iframe top position (@jesusreal)
- #378 Fix frame reload on 404 (@dariadomagala)
- #368 Dynamic path params not passed to children providers - fix (@pekura)
- #362 Relative navigation from client does not work with dynamic nodes (@pekura)
- #349 Fix preserve views node params (@dariadomagala)
- #361 Empty navigation category should not be shown (@pekura)
- #352 Fix babel polyfill error (@parostatkiem)
- #342 Ignore path params in context switcher label (@parostatkiem)
- #365 Split documentation for navigation config (@bszwarc)
- #343 Add docs and examples for anonymous content (@dariadomagala)
- #313 Luigi config meets es6 (@parostatkiem)
- #325 Webpack for LuigiClient (@parostatkiem)
- #310 Improve 404 handling (@parostatkiem)
- #315 Add isolate all views setting (@dariadomagala)
- #344 Fix formatting issues and add missing info (@bszwarc)
- #319 Implement anonymous content feature (@hardl)
- #306 Icons in navigation nodes (@parostatkiem)
- #331 Fix defaultChildNode mechanism for root path (@jesusreal)
- #317 Improve defaultChildNode (@parostatkiem)
- #306 Icons in navigation nodes (@parostatkiem)
v0.4.3 - 2019-01-07
- #318 Increase timeout and improve error handling for loading oidc client library (@kwiatekus)
- #312 Fix node params for path routing (@dariadomagala)
v0.4.1 - 2018-12-27
- #252 Unsaved changes modal (@parostatkiem)
- #288 Add possibility to use pathRouting with angular-cli (@maxmarkus)
- #307 Fix error with parsed data (@dariadomagala)
- #301 Fix dropdowns behavior on click events (@dariadomagala)
- #305 When adding a listener via Luigi Client API, call only the listener being added (@jesusreal)
- #299 It is not possible to have a root node with empty path segment and a view (@pekura)
- #283 Default child node mechanism breaks if path ends with a slash (@pekura)
- #277 Improve Luigi readme files (@bszwarc)
- #282 Add short file about Luigi Core (@bszwarc)
v0.4.0 - 2018-12-06
- #259 Nav collapsed feature (@parostatkiem)
- #247 Luigi view components design upgrade (@antiheld)
- #226 Add check if modules are same domain (@dariadomagala)
- #266 Fixes for browser incompatibilities (@pekura)
- #253 Allow async defaultChildNode (@maxmarkus)
- #261 Fix the relative path bug (@dariadomagala)
- #250 preserveView should allow viewUrls with query params (@maxmarkus)
- #246 Luigi Client creates extra entry in browser navigation history (@pekura)
- #238 viewUrl should not be mandatory in dynamic node (@maxmarkus)
- #262 Add improvements to Luigi Client API comments and annotations (@bszwarc)
- #251 Improvements for dex auth (@maxmarkus)
- #241 Include v0.3.8 in changelog (@kwiatekus)
- #240 Improve luigi client docu and generate new (@jesusreal)
v0.3.8 - 2018-11-23
- #190 Context Switcher in top navigation (@maxmarkus)
- #209 Support navigation nodes that just link to other nodes (@jesusreal)
- #162 404 support for non existing paths (@parostatkiem)
- #187 Luigi Core config refactorings (@jesusreal)
- #200 Align luigi header title with fundamental style (@parostatkiem)
- #180 Token refresh (@y-kkamil)
- #160 Configurable logo and title (@maxmarkus)
- #235 Issues with path routing (@jesusreal)
- #234 Add logout.html to webpack config (@kwiatekus)
- #232 Fix no context switcher error (@pekura)
- #224 Bugfix/preserve view content area (@maxmarkus)
- #222 Login fix (@hardl)
- #202 Fix go-back-button bug (@parostatkiem)
- #215 mock auth logout page fix (@y-kkamil)
- #211 Multiple path parameters do not get replaced in view url (@pekura)
- #212 Fix failing unit tests (@dariadomagala)
- #206 Center the logo (@dariadomagala)
- #196 Fix for goBack when not using micro frontend without routing (@maxmarkus)
- #177 Allow multiple init and update listeners (@maxmarkus)
- #197 Improve luigi-client js docs (@kwiatekus)
- #155 Describe get path params and get node params better (@pekura)
- #199 Add missing line and improve wording (@bszwarc)
v0.3.7 - 2018-10-31
- #169 Enable Luigi Client (micro frontend) to check whether a path exists in the main app (@jesusreal)
- #168 Fix bug for closest parent navigation on Luigi Client (@jesusreal)
- #138 Add details about navigation nodes and reading node parameters (@bszwarc)
- #176 Update and improve the content of the installation guide (@bszwarc)
- #161 Fix small docu bugs (@jesusreal)
v0.3.6 - 2018-10-23
- #131 Make automatic login configurable (@dariadomagala)
- #121 Navigation node as a link to an external page (@parostatkiem)
- #118 Keep left-side navigation on a node hierarchy level (@maxmarkus)
- #129 Add automatic loading indicator to show processing (@maxmarkus)
- #105 Enable e2e tests (@dariadomagala)
- #142 View preservation is now allowed also cross-domain (@maxmarkus)
- #140 Fix css issues in core and angular example (@jesusreal)
- #116 Change per-component backdrop to global one (@parostatkiem)
- #120 Fix fonts bundling in luigi core (@parostatkiem)
- #115 Re-login not redirecting to luigi app (@jesusreal)
- #148 Copy template for security issues (@franpog859)
- #135 Improve getting started documentation (@maxmarkus)
- #137 Add autogenerated luigi client api docs (@jesusreal)
v0.3.5 - 2018-09-26
- #104 Dynamic pathSegments in navigation nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #84 Remove unnecessary files from public folder (@dariadomagala)
- #103 Fix behavior of the logout dropdown (@dariadomagala)
- #102 Fix 'preserve view' feature for sibiling nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #89 Fix unnecessary 'authSuccessfull' handler execution on each page refresh (@dariadomagala)
- #79 Fix fundamental-ui issues in applications setup docu (@jesusreal)
- #107 Commands path info in angular example readme (@parostatkiem)
core-0.3.3 - 2018-09-14
- #67 Navigation node visibility with custom nodeAccessibilityResolver (@maxmarkus)
- #82 Fixed changedetector bug (@dariadomagala)
- #71 Fixed top navigation popover behavior (@maxmarkus)
- #76 Fixed broken routing after successful OIDC authentication (@maxmarkus)
- #57 Fixed preserve view and back example (@dariadomagala)
- #75 Fixed import of LuigiClient on angular app (@jesusreal)
- #80 Luigi documentation refinements (@dpolitesap)
- #34 Introduce changelog file (@jesusreal)
client-0.3.2 - 2018-09-10
core-0.3.1 - 2018-09-07
- #31 Redirect from root node to first child (@y-kkamil)
- #50 #49 [fix] OAuth2 implicit grant flow should use GET as default reques⦠(@aartek)
core-0.3.0 - 2018-09-05
- Preserve view and go back feature.
- Default child nodes feature.
- Support for url parameters.
- Add vue.js example app by @DamianLion
- On angular example app, update angular version from version 5 to 6.
- On angular example app, introduce fundamental-ui css framework.
- Backdrop functionality can now be disabled via Luigi Config object.
- Add error message for missing Luigi Config.
- Improvements on authorization, remove login button, trigger auth flow on page load.
- Add documentation.
- 'hideNav' flag to disable top and left navigations is called now "hideNavigation" and is under "settings".
- 'isHashRoute' flag to activate hash routing is moved to Luigi Config object under 'settings' and is called now 'useHashRouting'.
- Luigi Config is now under "window.Luigi.config" instead of "window.LuigiConfig" and "setConfig" and "getConfig" helper methods are available.
- On angular example app, fix path routing issues by simplifying app chunks split.
- On backdrop functionality, fix some small visual errors.
client-0.3.0 - 2018-09-05
- Support for url parameters.
- Add documentation.
- Prevent reloading of whole browser window when navigating with hash routing and only hash changes.
- Core: Angular example application.
- Core: Hash-based and path-based routing.
- Core: Navigation setup.
- Core: Support authorization via Open ID Connect (OIDC) or OAuth2 Implicit Grant.
- Core: Navigation on top and left (can be disabled via Luigi Config object).
- Core: Backdrop functionality.
- Core: Authorization.
- Client: Lifecycle functions.
- Client: Link manager for navigation.
- Client: UX manager for backdrop.