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848 lines (712 loc) · 94.5 KB

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848 lines (712 loc) · 94.5 KB

1.12.0 (Unreleased)



  • New Resource: aws_waf_geo_match_set [GH-3275]
  • New Resource: aws_wafregional_rule [GH-3756]
  • New Resource: aws_wafregional_sql_injection_match_set [GH-1013]
  • New Resource: aws_wafregional_web_acl [GH-3754]
  • New Resource: aws_wafregional_xss_match_set [GH-1014]
  • New Resource: aws_kms_grant [GH-3038]


  • provider: Treat IAM policies with account ID principals as equivalent to IAM account root ARN [GH-3832]
  • provider: Treat additional IAM policy scenarios with empty principal trees as equivalent [GH-3832]
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Validate origin domain_name and origin_id at plan time [GH-3767]
  • resource/aws_eip: Support configurable timeouts [GH-3769]
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Add step support [GH-3673]
  • resource/aws_instance: Support optionally fetching encrypted Windows password data [GH-2219]
  • resource/aws_launch_configuration: Validate user_data length during plan [GH-2973]
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Validate health check threshold for TCP protocol during plan [GH-3782]
  • resource/aws_security_group: Add arn attribute [GH-3751]
  • resource/aws_ses_domain_identity: Support trailing period in domain name [GH-3840]
  • resource/aws_sqs_queue: Support lack of ListQueueTags for all non-standard AWS implementations [GH-3794]
  • resource/aws_ssm_document: Add document_format argument to support YAML [GH-3814]
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Add support for content encoding [GH-3642]
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_object: New content_base64 argument allows uploading raw binary data created in-memory, rather than reading from disk as with source. [GH-3788]


  • resource/aws_api_gateway_client_certificate: Export *_date fields correctly [GH-3805]
  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Detect auto_verified_attributes changes [GH-3786]
  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool_client: Fix callback_urls updates [GH-3404]
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Support incompatible-parameters and storage-full state [GH-3708]
  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Correctly read volume attribute into Terraform state [GH-3823]
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Prevent crash on malformed ID for import [GH-3834]
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Only retry IAM eventual consistency errors for one minute [GH-3765]
  • resource/aws_ssm_association: Prevent AssociationDoesNotExist error [GH-3776]
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Prevent perpertual diff in non-standard partitions [GH-3317]
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Update and validate attributes correctly [GH-3194]

1.11.0 (March 09, 2018)


  • New Data Source: aws_kms_key (#2224)
  • New Resource: aws_organizations_organization (#903)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_thing (#3521)


  • resource/aws_api_gateway_authorizer: Support COGNITO_USER_POOLS type (#3156)
  • resource/aws_cloud9_environment_ec2: Retry creation for IAM eventual consistency (#3651)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Make default_ttl, max_ttl, and min_ttl arguments optional (#3571)
  • resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add aurora-postgresql as a target (#2615)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Support Server Side Encryption (#3303)
  • resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment: Support modifying tags (#3513)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Add Kerberos support (#3553)
  • resource/aws_iam_account_alias: Improve error messages to include API errors (#3590)
  • resource/aws_iam_user_policy: Add support for import (#3198)
  • resource/aws_lb: Add enable_cross_zone_load_balancing argument for NLBs (#3537)
  • resource/aws_lb: Add enable_http2 argument for ALBs (#3609)
  • resource/aws_route: Add configurable timeouts (#3639)
  • resource/aws_security_group: Add configurable timeouts (#3599)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Add load_balancers and target_group_arns arguments (#2564)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Add allowed_pattern, description, and tags arguments (#1520)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Allow key_id updates (#1520)


  • data-source/aws_db_instance: Prevent crash with EC2 Classic (#3619)
  • data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Fix aws-us-gov partition handling (#3514)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_vpc_link: Ensure target_arns is properly read (#3569)
  • resource/aws_batch_compute_environment: Fix state updates (#3508)
  • resource/aws_ebs_snapshot: Prevent crash with outside snapshot deletion (#3462)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Prevent crash when importing non-existent service (#3672)
  • resource/aws_eip_association: Prevent deletion error InvalidAssociationID.NotFound (#3653)
  • resource/aws_instance: Ensure at least one security group is being attached when modifying vpc_security_group_ids (#2850)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Allow PutFunctionConcurrency retries on creation (#3570)
  • resource/aws_spot_instance_request: Retry for 1 minute instead of 15 seconds for IAM eventual consistency (#3561)
  • resource/aws_ssm_activation: Prevent crash with expiration_date (#3597)

1.10.0 (February 24, 2018)


  • resource/aws_dx_lag: number_of_connections was deprecated and will be removed in future major version. Use aws_dx_connection and aws_dx_connection_association resources instead. Default connections will be removed as part of LAG creation automatically in future major version. (#3367)


  • New Data Source: aws_inspector_rules_packages (#3175)
  • New Resource: aws_api_gateway_vpc_link (#2512)
  • New Resource: aws_appsync_graphql_api (#2494)
  • New Resource: aws_dax_cluster (#2884)
  • New Resource: aws_gamelift_alias (#3353)
  • New Resource: aws_gamelift_fleet (#3327)
  • New Resource: aws_lb_listener_certificate (#2686)
  • New Resource: aws_s3_bucket_metric (#916)
  • New Resource: aws_ses_domain_mail_from (#2029)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_thing_type (#3302)


  • data-source/aws_kms_alias: Always return target_key_arn (#3304)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_policy: Add support for target_tracking_configuration (#2611)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Support VPC configuration (#2547] [#3324)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Add event_selector argument (#2258)
  • resource/aws_codedeploy_deployment_group: Validate DeploymentReady and InstanceReady trigger_events (#3412)
  • resource/aws_db_parameter_group: Validate underscore name during plan (#3396)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_directory Add edition argument (#3421)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_directory Validate size argument (#3453)
  • resource/aws_dx_connection: Add support for tagging (#2990)
  • resource/aws_dx_connection: Add support for import (#2992)
  • resource/aws_dx_lag: Add support for tagging (#2990)
  • resource/aws_dx_lag: Add support for import (#2992)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Add autoscaling_policy argument (#2877)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Add scale_down_behavior argument (#3063)
  • resource/aws_instance: Expose reason of shutting-down state during creation (#3371)
  • resource/aws_instance: Include size of user_data in validation error message (#2971)
  • resource/aws_instance: Remove extra API call on creation for SGs (#3426)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Recompute version and qualified_arn attributes on publish (#3032)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Allow stickiness block set to false with TCP (#2954)
  • resource/aws_lb_listener_rule: Validate priority over 50000 (#3379)
  • resource/aws_lb_listener_rule: Make priority argument optional (#3219)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Add hosted_zone_id attribute (#3267)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Add support for source_region (encrypted cross-region replicas) (#3415)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Support availability_zone (#2812)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group: Validate underscore name during plan (#3396)
  • resource/aws_route53_record Add allow_overwrite argument (#2926)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket Ssupport for SSE-KMS replication configuration (#2625)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Validate iam_fleet_role as ARN during plan (#3431)
  • resource/aws_sqs_queue: Validate name during plan (#2837)
  • resource/aws_ssm_association: Allow updating targets (#2807)
  • resource/aws_service_discovery_service: Support routing policy and update the type of DNS record (#3273)


  • data-source/aws_elb_service_account: Correct GovCloud region (#3315)
  • resource/aws_acm_certificate_validation: Prevent crash on validation_record_fqdns (#3336)
  • resource/aws_acm_certificate_validation: Fix validation_record_fqdns handling with combined root and wildcard requests (#3366)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_policy: cooldown with zero value not set correctly (#2809)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Now respects initial include_global_service_events = false (#2817)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Retry deletion on ResourceInUseException (#3355)
  • resource/aws_dx_lag: number_of_connections deprecated (made Optional). Omitting field may now prevent spurious diffs. (#3367)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Retry DescribeServices after creation (#3387)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Fix reading load_balancer into state (#3502)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Retry creation on ValidationException (#3375)
  • resource/aws_iam_user_ssh_key: Correctly set status after creation (#3390)
  • resource/aws_instance: Bump deletion timeout to 20mins (#3452)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Retry on additional IAM eventual consistency errors (#3381)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Trim trailing dot during import (#3321)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Prevent crashes on location and replication read retry timeouts (#3338)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Always set replication_configuration in state (#3349)
  • resource/aws_security_group: Allow empty rule description (#2846)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic: Fix exit after updating first attribute (#3360)
  • resource/aws_spot_instance_request: Bump delete timeout to 20mins (#3435)
  • resource/aws_sqs_queue: Skip SQS ListQueueTags in aws-us-gov partition (#3376)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Treat pending as expected state during deletion (#3370)
  • resource/aws_vpc_peering_connection: Treat pending-acceptance as expected during deletion (#3393)
  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool_client: support USER_PASSWORD_AUTH for explicit_auth_flows (#3417)

1.9.0 (February 09, 2018)


  • data-source/aws_region: current field is deprecated and the data source defaults to the provider region if no endpoint or name is specified (#3157)
  • data-source/aws_iam_policy_document: Statements are now de-duplicated per Sids (#2890)


  • New Data Source: aws_elastic_beanstalk_hosted_zone (#3208)
  • New Data Source: aws_iam_policy (#1999)
  • New Resource: aws_acm_certificate (#2813)
  • New Resource: aws_acm_certificate_validation (#2813)
  • New Resource: aws_api_gateway_documentation_version (#3287)
  • New Resource: aws_cloud9_environment_ec2 (#3291)
  • New Resource: aws_cognito_user_group (#3010)
  • New Resource: aws_dynamodb_table_item (#3238)
  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_ipset (#3161)
  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_threatintelset (#3200)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_topic_rule (#1858)
  • New Resource: aws_sns_platform_application (#1101] [#3283)
  • New Resource: aws_vpc_endpoint_service_allowed_principal (#2515)
  • New Resource: aws_vpc_endpoint_service_connection_notification (#2515)
  • New Resource: aws_vpc_endpoint_service (#2515)
  • New Resource: aws_vpc_endpoint_subnet_association (#2515)


  • provider: Automatically determine AWS partition from configured region (#3173)
  • provider: Automatically validate new regions from AWS SDK (#3159)
  • data-source/aws_acm_certificate Add most_recent attribute for filtering (#1837)
  • data-source/aws_iam_policy_document: Support layering via source_json and override_json attributes (#2890)
  • data-source/aws_lb_listener: Support load_balancer_arn and port arguments (#2886)
  • data-source/aws_network_interface: Add filter attribute (#2851)
  • data-source/aws_region: Remove EC2 API call and default to current if no endpoint or name specified (#3157)
  • data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint: Support AWS PrivateLink (#2515)
  • data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Support AWS PrivateLink (#2515)
  • resource/aws_athena_named_query: Support import (#3231)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Add custom creation timeout (#3195)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Validate attribute types (#3188)
  • resource/aws_ecr_lifecycle_policy: Support import (#3246)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Support import (#2764)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Add public_assign_ip argument for Fargate services (#2559)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Add splunk configuration (#3117)
  • resource/aws_mq_broker: Validate user password (#3164)
  • resource/aws_service_discovery_public_dns_namespace: Support import (#3229)
  • resource/aws_service_discovery_service: Support import (#3227)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Add support for Aurora MySQL 5.7 (#3278)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic: Add support for delivery status (#2872)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic: Add support for name prefixes and fully generated names (#2753)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic_subscription: Support filter policy (#2806)
  • resource/aws_ssm_resource_data_sync: Support import (#3232)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Support AWS PrivateLink (#2515)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint_service: Support AWS PrivateLink (#2515)
  • resource/aws_vpn_gateway: Add support for Amazon side private ASN (#1888)


  • data-source/aws_kms_alias: Prevent crash on aliases without target key (#3203)
  • data-source/aws_ssm_parameter: Fix wrong arn attribute for full path parameter names (#3211)
  • resource/aws_instance: Fix perpertual diff on default VPC instances using vpc_security_group_ids (#2338)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Prevent crash when using source auth configuration (#3271)
  • resource/aws_cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment: Fix validation for Token types (#2894)
  • resource/aws_db_parameter_group: fix permanent diff when specifying parameters with database-default values (#3182)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Retry only on ECS and IAM related InvalidParameterException (#3240)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Prevent crashes on empty CloudWatchLoggingOptions (#3301)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Fix extended_s3_configuration kms_key_arn handling from AWS API (#3301)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_stream: Retry deletion on LimitExceededException (#3108)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Fix dualstack alias name regression trimming too many characters (#3187)
  • resource/aws_ses_template: Send only specified attributes for update (#3214)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Allow disabling stream with empty stream_view_type (#3197] [#3224)
  • resource/aws_dx_connection_association: Retry disassociation (#3212)
  • resource/aws_volume_attachment: Allow updating skip_destroy and force_detach (#2810)

1.8.0 (January 29, 2018)


  • New Resource: aws_dynamodb_global_table (#2517)
  • New Resource: aws_gamelift_build (#2843)


  • provider: cn-northwest-1 region is now supported (#3142)
  • data-source/aws_kms_alias: Add target_key_arn attribute (#2551)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_integration: Allow update of content_handling attributes (#3123)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_target: Support updating max_capacity, min_capacity, and role_arn attributes (#2950)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter: Add support for distribution (#3046)
  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: support pre_token_generation in lambda_config (#3093)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Add support for encrypt_at_rest (#2632)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Support CustomAmiId (#2766)
  • resource/aws_kms_alias: Add target_key_arn attribute (#3096)
  • resource/aws_route: Allow adding IPv6 routes to instances and network interfaces (#2265)
  • resource/aws_sqs_queue: Retry queue creation on QueueDeletedRecently error (#3113)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection: Add inside CIDR and pre-shared key attributes (#1862)


  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Support additional predefined metric types in validation [#3122]]
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Recognize changes in non_key_attributes (#3136)
  • resource/aws_ebs_snapshot: Fix kms_key_id attribute handling (#3085)
  • resource/aws_eip_assocation: Retry association for pending instances (#3072)
  • resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_application: Prevent crash on reading missing application (#3171)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Prevent panic on missing S3 configuration prefix (#3073)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Retry updates for IAM eventual consistency (#3116)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Suppress uppercase alias name diff (#3119)
  • resource/aws_sqs_queue_policy: Prevent missing policy error on read (#2739)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Retry deletion on InvalidDBClusterStateFault (#3028)

1.7.1 (January 19, 2018)


  • data-source/aws_db_snapshot: Prevent crash on unfinished snapshots (#2960)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Retry deletion on DistributionNotDisabled (#3034)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Prevent crash on empty source buildspec and location (#3011)
  • resource/aws_codepipeline: Prevent crash on empty artifacts (#2998)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Match correct policy when multiple policies with same name and service (#3012)
  • resource/aws_eip: Do not disassociate EIP on tags-only update (#2975)
  • resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_application: Retry DescribeApplication after creation (#3064)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Retry creation on ValidationException (IAM) (#3027)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Retry creation on AccessDeniedException (IAM) (#3050)
  • resource/aws_iam_instance_profile: Allow cleanup during destruction without refresh (#2983)
  • resource/aws_iam_role: Prevent missing attached policy results (#2857)
  • resource/aws_iam_user: Prevent state removal during name attribute update (#2979)
  • resource/aws_iam_user: Allow path attribute update (#2940)
  • resource/aws_iam_user_policy: Fix updates with generated policy names and validate JSON (#3031)
  • resource/aws_instance: Retry IAM instance profile (re)association for eventual consistency on update (#3055)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Make EC2 rate limit errors retryable on update (#2964)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Retry creation on EC2 throttle error (#3062)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Allow a blank health check path, for TCP healthchecks (#2980)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic_subscription: Prevent crash on subscription attribute update (#2967)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Fix import for S3 destinations (#2970)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Prevent crash on empty Redshift's S3 Backup Description (#2970)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Detect drifts in processing_configuration (#2970)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Prevent crash on empty CloudWatch logging opts (#3052)

1.7.0 (January 12, 2018)


  • New Resource: aws_api_gateway_documentation_part (#2893)
  • New Resource: aws_cloudwatch_event_permission (#2888)
  • New Resource: aws_cognito_user_pool_client (#1803)
  • New Resource: aws_cognito_user_pool_domain (#2325)
  • New Resource: aws_glue_catalog_database (#2175)
  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_detector (#2524)
  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_member (#2911)
  • New Resource: aws_route53_query_log (#2770)
  • New Resource: aws_service_discovery_service (#2613)


  • provider: eu-west-3 is now supported (#2707)
  • provider: Endpoints can now be specified for ACM, ECR, ECS, STS and Route 53 (#2795)
  • provider: Endpoints can now be specified for API Gateway and Lambda (#2641)
  • data-source/aws_iam_server_certificate: Add support for retrieving public key (#2749)
  • data-source/aws_vpc_peering_connection: Add support for cross-region VPC peering (#2508)
  • data-source/aws_ssm_parameter: Support returning raw encrypted SecureString value (#2777)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Import is now supported (#2082)
  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: The ARN for the pool is now computed and exposed as an attribute (#2723)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_directory: Add security_group_id field (#2688)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Support Performance Insights (#2331)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Set db_subnet_group_name in state on read if available (#2606)
  • resource/aws_eip: Tagging is now supported (#2768)
  • resource/aws_codepipeline: ARN is now exposed as an attribute (#2773)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_scheduled_action: min_capacity argument is now honoured (#2794)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Clusters in the resetting-master-credentials state no longer cause an error (#2791)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm: Support optional datapoints_to_alarm configuration (#2609)
  • resource/aws_ses_event_destination: Add support for SNS destinations (#1737)
  • resource/aws_iam_role: Delete inline policies when force_detach_policies = true (#2388)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Improve health_check validation (#2580)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Add health_check_grace_period_seconds attribute (#2788)
  • resource/aws_vpc_peering_connection: Add support for cross-region VPC peering (#2508)
  • resource/aws_vpc_peering_connection_accepter: Add support for cross-region VPC peering (#2508)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: export kibana endpoint (#2804)
  • resource/aws_ssm_association: Allow for multiple targets (#2297)
  • resource/aws_instance: Add computed field for volume_id of block device (#1489)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_integration: Allow update of URI attributes (#2834)
  • resource/aws_ecs_cluster: Support resource import (#2762)


  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Update Cognito email message length to 20,000 (#2692)
  • resource/aws_volume_attachment: Changing device name without changing volume or instance ID now correctly produces a diff (#2720)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_object: Object tagging is now supported in GovCloud (#2665)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Fixed a crash when no Cloudwatch log group is configured (#2787)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_policy: Set the resource ID after successful creation (#2820)
  • resource/aws_db_event_subscription: Set the source type when updating categories (#2833)
  • resource/aws_db_parameter_group: Remove group from state if it's gone (#2868)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_target: Make role_arn optional & computed (#2889)
  • resource/aws_ssm_maintenance_window: Respect enabled during updates (#2818)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Fix max prefix length check (#2790)
  • resource/aws_config_delivery_channel: Retry deletion (#2910)
  • resource/aws_lb+aws_elb: Fix regression with undefined name (#2939)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Fix validation rules for LB's healthcheck (#2906)
  • provider: Fix regression affecting empty Optional+Computed fields (#2348)

1.6.0 (December 18, 2017)


  • New Data Source: aws_network_interface (#2316)
  • New Data Source: aws_elb (#2004)
  • New Resource: aws_dx_connection_association (#2360)
  • New Resource: aws_appautoscaling_scheduled_action (#2231)
  • New Resource: aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy (#2243)
  • New Resource: aws_media_store_container (#2448)
  • New Resource: aws_service_discovery_public_dns_namespace (#2569)
  • New Resource: aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace (#2589)


  • resource/aws_ssm_association: Add association_name (#2257)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Add network_configuration (#2299)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add reserved_concurrent_executions (#2504)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Add launch_type (Fargate support) (#2483)
  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Add cpu, memory, execution_role_arn & requires_compatibilities (Fargate support) (#2483)
  • resource/aws_ecs_cluster: Add arn attribute (#2552)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_security_group: Add import support (#2277)
  • resource/aws_sqs_queue_policy: Support import by queue URL (#2544)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Add log_publishing_options (#2285)
  • resource/aws_athena_database: Add force_destroy field (#2363)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Add support for Redis auth, in-transit and at-rest encryption (#2090)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Add server_side_encryption_configuration block (#2472)


  • data-source/aws_instance: Set placement_group if available (#2400)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_parameter_group: Add StateFunc to make name lowercase (#2426)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Modify validation, make replication_group_id lowercase (#2432)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Treat storage-optimization as valid state (#2409)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Ensure ttl is properly read (#2452)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: fixes to behavior based on protocol type (#2380)
  • resource/aws_mq_broker: Fix crash in hashing function (#2598)
  • resource/aws_ebs_volume_attachment: Allow attachments to instances which are stopped (#1444)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Path names with a leading '/' no longer generate incorrect ARNs (#2604)

1.5.0 (November 29, 2017)


  • New Resource: aws_mq_broker (#2466)
  • New Resource: aws_mq_configuration (#2466)

1.4.0 (November 29, 2017)


  • resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Fix email_subject_by_link (#2395)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_method_response: Fix conflict exception in API gateway method response (#2393)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_method: Fix typo authorization_type -> authorization (#2430)


  • data-source/aws_nat_gateway: Add missing address attributes to the schema (#2209)
  • resource/aws_ssm_maintenance_window_target: Change MaxItems of targets (#2361)
  • resource/aws_sfn_state_machine: Support Update State machine call (#2349)
  • resource/aws_instance: Set placement_group in state on read if available (#2398)

1.3.1 (November 20, 2017)


  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Fix equivalency comparator (#2339)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_queue: Return errors correctly if deletion fails (#2322)
  • resource/aws_security_group_rule: Parse description correctly (#1959)
  • Fixed Cognito Lambda Config Validation for optional ARN configurations (#2370)
  • resource/aws_cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment: Fix typo "authenticated" -> "unauthenticated" (#2358)

1.3.0 (November 16, 2017)


  • resource/aws_redshift_cluster: Field enable_logging, bucket_name and s3_key_prefix were deprecated in favour of a new logging block (#2230)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: We no longer provide defaults for health_check's path nor matcher in order to support network load balancers where these arguments aren't valid. Creating new ALB will therefore require you to specify these two arguments. Existing deployments are unaffected. (#2251)


  • New Data Source: aws_rds_cluster (#2070)
  • New Data Source: aws_elasticache_replication_group (#2124)
  • New Data Source: aws_instances (#2266)
  • New Resource: aws_ses_template (#2003)
  • New Resource: aws_dx_lag (#2154)
  • New Resource: aws_dx_connection (#2173)
  • New Resource: aws_athena_database (#1922)
  • New Resource: aws_athena_named_query (#1893)
  • New Resource: aws_ssm_resource_data_sync (#1895)
  • New Resource: aws_cognito_user_pool (#1419)


  • provider: Add support for assuming roles via profiles defined in ~/.aws/config (#1608)
  • data-source/efs_file_system: Added dns_name (#2105)
  • data-source/aws_ssm_parameter: Add arn attribute (#2273)
  • data-source/aws_ebs_volume: Add arn attribute (#2271)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_queue: Add validation for name (#2159)
  • resource/aws_batch_compute_environment: Improve validation for compute_environment_name (#2159)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Add support for import (#2234)
  • resource/aws_redshift_cluster: Add support for snapshot_copy (#2238)
  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Print container_definitions as JSON instead of checksum (#1195)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Add arn attribute (#2273)
  • resource/aws_elb: Add listener ssl_certificate_id ARN validation (#2276)
  • resource/aws_cloudformation_stack: Support updating tags (#2262)
  • resource/aws_elb: Add arn attribute (#2272)
  • resource/aws_ebs_volume: Add arn attribute (#2271)


  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Retry putting policy on invalid token (#2135)
  • resource/aws_batch_compute_environment: compute_environment_name allows hyphens (#2126)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_definition: name allows hyphens (#2126)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_parameter_group: Raise timeout for retry on pending changes (#2134)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Retry GetKeyRotationStatus on NotFoundException (#2133)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Fix issue that prevented using aws_lb_target_group with Network type load balancers (#2251)
  • resource/aws_lb: mark subnets as ForceNew for network load balancers (#2310)
  • resource/aws_redshift_cluster: Make master_username ForceNew (#2202)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter: Fix pattern length check (#2107)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_group: Use ID as name (#2190)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Added ForceNew to vpc_options (#2157)
  • resource/aws_redshift_cluster: Make snapshot identifiers ForceNew (#2212)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain_policy: Fix typo in err code (#2249)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Retry PutScalingPolicy on rate exceeded message (#2275)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Retry creation on LimitExceededException w/ different error message (#2274)

1.2.0 (October 31, 2017)


  • Remove id fields from schema definitions (#1626)


  • New Resource: aws_servicecatalog_portfolio (#1694)
  • New Resource: aws_ses_domain_dkim (#1786)
  • New Resource: aws_cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment (#863)
  • New Resource: aws_ecr_lifecycle_policy (#2096)
  • New Data Source: aws_nat_gateway (#1294)
  • New Data Source: aws_dynamodb_table (#2062)
  • New Data Source: aws_cloudtrail_service_account (#1774)


  • resource/aws_ami: Support configurable timeouts (#1811)
  • resource/ami_copy: Support configurable timeouts (#1811)
  • resource/ami_from_instance: Support configurable timeouts (#1811)
  • data-source/aws_security_group: add description (#1943)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Change the default minimum_protocol_version to TLSv1 (#1856)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic: Support SMS in protocols (#1813)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Add support for tags (#2042)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Add s3_backup_mode option (#1830)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Support VPC configuration (#1958)
  • resource/aws_alb_target_group: Add support for target_type (#1589)
  • resource/aws_sqs_queue: Add support for tags (#1987)
  • resource/aws_security_group: Add revoke_rules_on_delete option to force a security group to revoke rules before deleting the grou (#2074)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter: Add support for DefaultValue (#1578)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Expose error on TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS (#2081)


  • resource/aws_elasticache_parameter_group: Add missing return to retry logic (#1891)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_queue: Wait for update completion when disabling (#1892)
  • resource/aws_snapshot_create_volume_permission: Raise creation timeout to 10mins (#1894)
  • resource/aws_snapshot_create_volume_permission: Raise creation timeout to 20mins (#2049)
  • resource/aws_kms_alias: Retry creation on NotFoundException (#1896)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Retry reading tags on NotFoundException (#1900)
  • resource/aws_db_snapshot: Raise creation timeout to 20mins (#1905)
  • resource/aws_lb: Allow assigning EIP to network LB (#1956)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Retry tagging on OperationAborted (#2008)
  • resource/aws_cognito_identity_pool: Fixed refresh of providers (#2015)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Raise creation timeout to 50mins (#2048)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_usag_plan: Fixed setting of rate_limit (#2076)
  • resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_application: Expose error leading to failed deletion (#2080)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Accept query strings in redirect hosts (#2059)

1.1.0 (October 16, 2017)


  • resource/aws_alb_* & data-source/aws_alb_*: In order to support network LBs, ALBs were renamed to aws_lb_* due to the way APIs "new" (non-Classic) load balancers are structured in AWS. All existing ALB functionality remains untouched and new resources work the same way. aws_alb_* resources are still in place as "aliases", but documentation will only mention aws_lb_*. aws_alb_* aliases will be removed in future major version. (#1806)
  • Deprecated:
    • data-source/aws_alb
    • data-source/aws_alb_listener
    • data-source/aws_alb_target_group
    • resource/aws_alb
    • resource/aws_alb_listener
    • resource/aws_alb_listener_rule
    • resource/aws_alb_target_group
    • resource/aws_alb_target_group_attachment


  • New Resource: aws_batch_job_definition (#1710)
  • New Resource: aws_batch_job_queue (#1710)
  • New Resource: aws_lb (#1806)
  • New Resource: aws_lb_listener (#1806)
  • New Resource: aws_lb_listener_rule (#1806)
  • New Resource: aws_lb_target_group (#1806)
  • New Resource: aws_lb_target_group_attachment (#1806)
  • New Data Source: aws_lb (#1806)
  • New Data Source: aws_lb_listener (#1806)
  • New Data Source: aws_lb_target_group (#1806)
  • New Data Source: aws_iam_user (#1805)
  • New Data Source: aws_s3_bucket (#1505)


  • data-source/aws_redshift_service_account: Add arn attribute (#1775)
  • data-source/aws_vpc_endpoint: Expose prefix_list_id (#1733)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_stream: Add support for encryption (#1139)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_group: Add support for encryption via kms_key_id (#1751)
  • resource/aws_spot_instance_request: Add support for instance_interruption_behaviour (#1735)
  • resource/aws_ses_event_destination: Add support for open & click event types (#1773)
  • resource/aws_efs_file_system: Expose dns_name (#1825)
  • resource/aws_security_group+aws_security_group_rule: Add support for rule description (#1587)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: enable configuration of ebs root volume size (#1375)
  • resource/aws_ami: Add root_snapshot_id attribute (#1572)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection: Mark preshared keys as sensitive (#1850)
  • resource/aws_codedeploy_deployment_group: Support blue/green and in-place deployments with traffic control (#1162)
  • resource/aws_elb: Update ELB idle timeout to 4000s (#1861)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Add support for instance_interruption_behaviour (#1847)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Specify kinesis stream as the source of a aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream (#1605)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Output complete error when creation fails (#1881)


  • data-source/aws_db_instance: Make db_instance_arn expose ARN instead of identifier (use db_cluster_identifier for identifier) (#1766)
  • data-source/aws_db_snapshot: Expose storage_type (was not exposed) (#1833)
  • data-source/aws_ami: Update the tags structure for easier referencing (#1706)
  • data-source/aws_ebs_snapshot: Update the tags structure for easier referencing (#1706)
  • data-source/aws_ebs_volume: Update the tags structure for easier referencing (#1706)
  • data-source/aws_instance: Update the tags structure for easier referencing (#1706)
  • resource/aws_spot_instance_request: Handle closed request correctly (#1903)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Raise update retry timeout (#1820)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_parameter_group: Retry resetting group on pending changes (#1821)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Retry getting rotation status (#1818)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Retry getting key policy (#1854)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection: Raise timeout to 40mins (#1819)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Fix crash caused by missing processing_configuration (#1738)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Treat configuring-enhanced-monitoring as pending state (#1744)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Treat more states as pending (#1790)
  • resource/aws_route_table: Increase number of not-found checks/retries after creation (#1791)
  • resource/aws_batch_compute_environment: Fix ARN attribute name/value (ecc_cluster_arn -> ecs_cluster_arn) (#1809)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_stream: Retry creation of the stream on LimitExceededException (handle throttling) (#1339)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection_route: Treat route in state deleted as deleted (#1848)
  • resource/aws_eip: Avoid disassociating if there's no association (#1683)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_cluster: Allow scaling up cluster by modifying az_mode (avoid recreation) (#1758)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Fix Lambda Function Updates When Published (#1797)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_*: Use dimension to uniquely identify target/policy (#1808)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection_route: Wait until route is available/deleted (#1849)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Ignore minimum_protocol_version if default certificate is used (#1785)
  • resource/aws_security_group: Using self = false with cidr_blocks should be allowed (#1839)
  • resource/aws_instance: Check VPC array size to avoid crashes on Eucalyptus Cloud (#1882)

1.0.0 (September 27, 2017)


  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Nest step scaling policy fields, deprecate 1st level fields (#1620)


  • New Resource: aws_waf_rate_based_rule (#1606)
  • New Resource: aws_batch_compute_environment (#1048)


  • provider: Expand shared_credentials_file (#1511)
  • provider: Add support for Task Roles when running on ECS or CodeBuild (#1425)
  • resource/aws_instance: New user_data_base64 attribute that allows non-UTF8 data (such as gzip) to be assigned to user-data without corruption (#850)
  • data-source/aws_vpc: Expose enable_dns_* in aws_vpc data_source (#1373)
  • resource/aws_appautoscaling_policy: Add support for DynamoDB (#1650)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_directory: Add support for tags (#1398)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Allow setting of rds cluster engine (#1415)
  • resource/aws_ssm_association: now supports update for parameters, schedule_expression,output_location (#1421)
  • resource/aws_ssm_patch_baseline: now supports update for multiple attributes (#1421)
  • resource/aws_cloudformation_stack: Add support for Import (#1432)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Expose availability_zone attribute (#1439)
  • resource/aws_efs_file_system: Add support for encryption (#1420)
  • resource/aws_db_parameter_group: Allow underscores in names (#1460)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Assign tags right after creation (#1399)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Allow CAA record type (#1467)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Allowed for BITBUCKET source type (#1468)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Add instance_group parameter for EMR clusters (#1071)
  • resource/aws_alb_listener_rule: Populate listener_arn field (#1303)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Add a body property to API Gateway RestAPI for Swagger import support (#1197)
  • resource/aws_opsworks_stack: Add support for tags (#1523)
  • Add retries for AppScaling policies throttling exceptions (#1430)
  • resource/aws_ssm_patch_baseline: Add compliance level to patch approval rules (#1531)
  • resource/aws_ssm_activation: Export ssm activation activation_code (#1570)
  • resource/aws_network_interface: Added private_dns_name to network_interface (#1599)
  • data-source/aws_redshift_service_account: updated with latest redshift service account ID's (#1614)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Refresh from state on 404 (#1436)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_rest_api: Allow binary media types to be updated (#1600)
  • resource/aws_waf_rule: Make predicates' data_id required (it always was on the API's side, it's just reflected in the schema) (#1606)
  • resource/aws_waf_web_acl: Introduce new type field in rules to allow referencing RATE_BASED type (#1606)
  • resource/aws_ssm_association: Migrate the schema to use association_id (#1579)
  • resource/aws_ssm_document: Added name validation (#1638)
  • resource/aws_nat_gateway: Add tags support (#1625)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Add support for Route53 multi-value answer routing policy (#1686)
  • resource/aws_instance: Read iops only when volume type is io1 (#1573)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster(+_instance) Allow specifying the engine (#1591)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_event_target: Add Input transformer for Cloudwatch Events (#1343)
  • resource/aws_directory_service_directory: Support Import functionality (#1732)


  • resource/aws_instance: Fix associate_public_ip_address (#1340)
  • resource/aws_instance: Fix import in EC2 Classic (#1453)
  • resource/aws_emr_cluster: Avoid spurious diff of log_uri (#1374)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter: Add support for ResourceNotFound (#1414)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic_subscription: Prevent duplicate (un)subscribe during initial creation (#1480)
  • resource/aws_alb: Cleanup ENIs after deleting ALB (#1427)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Wrap s3 calls in retry to avoid race during creation (#891)
  • resource/aws_eip: Remove from state on deletion (#1551)
  • resource/aws_security_group: Adding second scenario where IPv6 is not supported (#880)

0.1.4 (August 08, 2017)


  • New Resource: aws_cloudwatch_dashboard (#1172)
  • New Data Source: aws_internet_gateway (#1196)
  • New Data Source: aws_efs_mount_target (#1255)


  • AWS SDK to log extra debug details on request errors (#1210)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Add support for wait_for_fulfillment (#1241)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_schedule: Allow empty value (#1268)
  • resource/aws_ssm_association: Add support for OutputLocation and Schedule Expression (#1253)
  • resource/aws_ssm_patch_baseline: Update support for Operating System (#1260)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Expose db_instance ca_cert_identifier (#1256)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Add support for iam_roles to rds_cluster (#1258)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group: Support > 20 parameters (#1298)
  • data-source/aws_iam_role: Normalize the IAM role data source (#1330)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_stream: Increase Timeouts, add Timeout Support (#1345)


  • resource/aws_instance: Guard check for aws_instance UserData to prevent panic (#1288)
  • resource/aws_config: Set AWS Config Configuration recorder & Delivery channel names as ForceNew (#1247)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Retry if IAM role isn't propagated yet (#1312)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Fix CloudWatch role ARN/group updates (#1357)
  • resource/aws_eip_association: Avoid crash in EC2 Classic (#1344)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_parameter_group: Allow removing parameters (#1309)
  • resource/aws_kinesis: add retries for Kinesis throttling exceptions (#1085)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose: adding support for ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration (#1015)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Ignore empty key_name (#1203)
  • resource/aws_emr_instance_group: fix crash when changing instance_group.count (#1287)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: Fix updating config when update doesn't involve EBS (#1131)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Avoid crashing when no lifecycle rule is defined (#1316)
  • resource/elastic_transcoder_preset: Fix provider validation (#1338)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Avoid crashing when filter is not set (#1350)

0.1.3 (July 25, 2017)


  • New Data Source: aws_iam_instance_profile (#1024)
  • New Data Source: aws_alb_target_group (#1037)
  • New Data Source: aws_iam_group (#1140)
  • New Resource: aws_api_gateway_request_validator (#1064)
  • New Resource: aws_api_gateway_gateway_response (#1168)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_policy (#986)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_certificate (#1225)


  • resource/aws_sqs_queue: Add support for Server-Side Encryption (#962)
  • resource/aws_vpc: Add support for classiclink_dns_support (#1079)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support for lambda_function vpc_config update (#1080)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support for lambda_function dead_letter_config update (#1080)
  • resource/aws_route53_health_check: add support for health_check regions (#1116)
  • resource/aws_spot_instance_request: add support for request launch group (#1097)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Export the RDI Resource ID for the instance (#1142)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic_subscription: Support password-protected HTTPS endpoints (#861)


  • provider: Remove assumeRoleHash (#1227)
  • resource/aws_ami: Retry on InvalidAMIID.NotFound (#1035)
  • resource/aws_iam_server_certificate: Fix restriction on length of name_prefix (#1217)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Fix handling of empty vpc_zone_identifier (EC2 classic & default VPC) (#1191)
  • resource/aws_ecr_repository_policy: Add retry logic to work around IAM eventual consistency (#1165)
  • resource/aws_ecs_service: Fixes normalization issues in placement_strategy (#1025)
  • resource/aws_eip: Retry reading EIPs on creation (#1053)
  • resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment: Avoid spurious diffs of JSON-based settings (#901)
  • resource/aws_opsworks_permission: Fix 'set permissions' failing to set ssh access (#1038)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_notification: Fix missing bucket field after import (#978)
  • resource/aws_sfn_state_machine: Handle another NotFound exception type (#1062)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: ForceNew on ssm_parameter rename (#1022)
  • resource/aws_instance: Update SourceDestCheck modification on new resources (#1065)
  • resource/aws_spot_instance_request: fixed and issue with network interfaces configuration (#1070)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Modify RDS Cluster after restoring from snapshot, if required (#926)
  • resource/aws_kms_alias: Retry lookups after creation (#1040)
  • resource/aws_internet_gateway: Retry deletion properly on DependencyViolation (#1021)
  • resource/aws_elb: Cleanup ENIs after deleting ELB (#1036)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Retry lookups after creation (#1039)
  • resource/aws_dms_replication_instance: Add modifying as a pending creation state (#1114)
  • resource/aws_redshift_cluster: Trigger ForceNew aws_redshift_cluster on encrypted change (#1120)
  • resource/aws_default_network_acl: Add support for ipv6_cidr_block (#1113)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Suppress diffs when an empty set is specified for availability_zones (#1190)
  • resource/aws_vpc: Ignore ClassicLink DNS support in unsupported regions (#1176)
  • resource/elastic_beanstalk_configuration_template: Handle missing platform (#1222)
  • r/elasticache_parameter_group: support more than 20 parameters (#1221)
  • data-source/aws_db_instance: Fix the output of subnet_group_name (#1141)
  • data-source/aws_iam_server_certificate: Fix restriction on length of name_prefix (#1217)

0.1.2 (June 30, 2017)


  • New Resource: aws_network_interface_sg_attachment (#860)
  • New Data Source: aws_ecr_repository (#944)


  • Added ability to change the deadline for the EC2 metadata API endpoint (#950)
  • resource/aws_api_gateway_integration: Add support for specifying cache key parameters (#893)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_event_target: Add ecs_target (#977)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection: Add BGP related information on aws_vpn_connection (#973)
  • resource/aws_cloudformation_stack: Add timeout support (#994)
  • resource/aws_ssm_parameter: Add support for ssm parameter overwrite (#1006)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Add support for environment privileged_mode [GH1009]
  • resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add support for dynamodb as an endpoint target (#1002)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Support lifecycle tags filter (#899)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_object: Allow to set WebsiteRedirect on S3 object (#1020)


  • resource/aws_waf: Only set FieldToMatch.Data if not empty (#953)
  • resource/aws_elastic_beanstalk_application_version: Scope labels to application (#956)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Allow use of days = 0 with lifecycle transition (#957)
  • resource/aws_ssm_maintenance_window_task: Make task_parameters updateable on aws_ssm_maintenance_window_task resource (#965)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_stream: don't force stream destroy on shard_count update (#894)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Remove validation from custom_origin params (#987)
  • resource_aws_route53_record: Allow import of Route 53 records with underscores in the name (#14717)
  • d/aws_db_snapshot: Id was being set incorrectly (#992)
  • resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Raise the create timeout to be 10m (#993)
  • d/aws_ecs_cluster: Add ARN as an exported param for aws_ecs_cluster (#991)
  • resource/aws_ebs_volume: Not setting the state for ebs_volume correctly (#999)
  • resource/aws_network_acl: Make action in ingress / egress case insensitive (#1000)

0.1.1 (June 21, 2017)


  • Fixing malformed ARN attribute for aws_security_group data source (#910)

0.1.0 (June 20, 2017)




  • resource/ebs_snapshot: Add support for tags (#3)
  • resource/aws_elasticsearch_domain: now retries on IAM role association failure (#12)
  • resource/codebuild_project: Increase timeout for creation retry (IAM) (#904)
  • resource/dynamodb_table: Expose stream_label attribute (#20)
  • resource/opsworks: Add support for configurable timeouts in AWS OpsWorks Instances. (#857)
  • Fix handling of AdRoll's hologram clients (#17)
  • resource/sqs_queue: Add support for name_prefix to aws_sqs_queue (#855)
  • resource/iam_role: Add support for iam_role tp force_detach_policies (#890)


  • fix aws cidr validation error [#15158](hashicorp/terraform#15158)
  • resource/elasticache_parameter_group: Retry deletion on InvalidCacheParameterGroupState (#8)
  • resource/security_group: Raise creation timeout (#9)
  • resource/rds_cluster: Retry modification on InvalidDBClusterStateFault (#18)
  • resource/lambda: Fix incorrect GovCloud regexes (#16)
  • Allow ipv6_cidr_block to be assigned to peering_connection (#879)
  • resource/rds_db_instance: Correctly create cross-region encrypted replica (#865)
  • resource/eip: dissociate EIP on update (#878)
  • resource/iam_server_certificate: Increase deletion timeout (#907)