v0.11.0 (2020-08-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Reduce size of title in document detailed view #880
- server: enable options to server script #1115 (blankoworld)
Fixed bugs:
- Authors and issuance fields: organisation as author and subtype are not loaded correctly when editing a record with those fields #1102
- Autocomplete stays even after the results list is displayed #898
Closed issues:
- The tab order of the document detailed view (pro interface) should be: get / description #1078
- editor : multiple provision activity lost when editing a document #1003
- Document type “Other” not translated in document detailed view (public interface) #917
- Translate content field “Language” in document detailed view of public interface #916
- Saving a document with edition responsibility impossible #906
- Clear the patron info on top of checkin form when quitting it #886
- Improvement needed on the request information when doing a checkin #883
- Translations of actions realised in circulation UI #882
Merged pull requests:
- pytest: fix deprecation warnings on version 6.0.0 #1121 (blankoworld)
- documents: improve editor layout #1118 (jma)
- Us1491 item inventory list #1114 (jma)
- permission: refactoring acquisition resources permission factory #1113 (zannkukai)
- permission: refactoring resources permission factory #1110 (zannkukai)
- documentation: fix README weblate badge #1109 (iGormilhit)
- deployment: node 12 #1108 (rerowep)
- documentation: add a weblate badge to the README #1106 (iGormilhit)
- cypress: enhance commands to improve tests #1104 (blankoworld)
- permission: refactoring document permission factory #1103 (zannkukai)
- ui: select menu items by Cypress through ids #1101 (blankoworld)
- check_license: accept Triple Slash Directive #1098 (blankoworld)
- translations: prepare project for weblate #1092 (iGormilhit)
- request: sort alphabetically pickup location #1090 (Garfield-fr)
- bootstrap scripts: fix npm utils installation #1088 (blankoworld)
- poetry: update packages to their last version #1087 (blankoworld)
- json schema: use the select menu with order #1086 (Garfield-fr)
- document: translate document type in detail view #1083 (zannkukai)
- editor: fix edition statement saving problem. #1071 (zannkukai)
- branch for the data model series user story #1069 (AoNoOokami)
- schema: split JSON schemas #1056 (rerowep)
- permissions: refactoring organisation permissions #1051 (zannkukai)
v0.10.1 (2020-07-02)
Merged pull requests:
- US1274: Import from BnF #1076 (iGormilhit)
v0.10.0 (2020-07-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improvement needed on the switch library menu #821
Fixed bugs:
- Editor: “jump to” not always working #1035
- Delete disabled button doesn’t allow to show reasons not to delete #945
- The switch library menu is not dynamically populated #822
Closed issues:
- A librarian can change his/her affiliation library in the editor #1039
- Author search in document creation display wrong date. #1038
- Impossible to save the document editor with field “notes” #1036
- Restarting scheduler is disabling entries #1033
- Redirection after item deletion from the item detailed view #1024
- Librarian permissions are too large on other librarian records #930
- Language switch does not work properly on the professional interface #925
- Bigger thumbnails in public view #903
- Link to the patron profile not adapted to the concerned instance in the notification message. #802
- Barcode and callnumber (at item level) shoudn’t be mandatory #648
Merged pull requests:
- translations: fetch new translations #1072 (iGormilhit)
- documentation: add an issue template for dev #1064 (iGormilhit)
- document: fix edition with notes #1062 (AoNoOokami)
- Merge US1275 on dev #1060 (zannkukai)
- Zan us1351 items notes #1057 (zannkukai)
- translation: fix string extraction from JSON file #1054 (zannkukai)
- authorization: create role management API #1043 (zannkukai)
- cli: correct wrong process bulk queue #1037 (lauren-d)
- scheduler: use saved enabled state of tasks #1034 (rerowep)
- license: update missing info in the license #1031 (iGormilhit)
- notifications: patron url #1029 (rerowep)
- ui: keep selected tab active on reload #1025 (Garfield-fr)
- docs: add the missing references to the add_request circulation action. #1023 (BadrAly)
- translations: adds editor translations support #1021 (jma)
- scripts: correct server script #1015 (rerowep)
- merge US1296 to dev (UX of editor) #1012 (AoNoOokami)
- install: integration of invenio-sip2 module #1005 (lauren-d)
v0.9.1 (2020-06-03)
Closed issues:
- Action realised in circulation must be in the past participle #890
Merged pull requests:
- Documentation resources: circulation actions, reroils_resources and loan state chart #1017 (blankoworld)
- translation: fix translations API #1013 (zannkukai)
- nginx logging #1007 (rerowep)
v0.9.0 (2020-06-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Workflow when seizing opening hours #675
- An informative README is missing! #627
- Language facet behaviour (number of results) #91
Fixed bugs:
- Errors when running run_tests.sh #1000
- Persons can be indexed twice resulting in duplicate records #834
Closed issues:
- Permissions for item/patron types and circ policies #932
- Cancel button in patron profile #929
- Focus not set in many views #928
- Suppress the item detailed view of the public interface #884
- Delay for display selector content for item types at item creation #819
- search: problem with brackets [ ] in the query #755
Merged pull requests:
- document: delete link to item detail view #1011 (zannkukai)
- test: fix run-test and setup #1001 (rerowep)
- v0.9.0 translations #998 (iGormilhit)
- translations: add translations API #997 (jma)
- persons: link persons to source instead of MEF #996 (rerowep)
- documentation: add an actual README to the project #995 (iGormilhit)
- project: fix keyboard interruption for scripts #994 (blankoworld)
- setup: fix old pipenv environment variables #992 (blankoworld)
- patrons: check if a patron email is unique #990 (jma)
- schemas: fix patron transaction events schema #987 (zannkukai)
- dependencies: use poetry #986 (jma)
- Permissions : Refactoring permissions usage #985 (zannkukai)
- ebooks: fix holdings update when importing ebooks #984 (rerowep)
- tests: fix travis trouble with pytest-invenio #981 (blankoworld)
- US1305 data model illustrations colors physical details #980 (rerowep)
- tests: fix units testing for generated item barcodes #979 (BadrAly)
- tests: fix travis #977 (rerowep)
- location: unique pickup location for a library #976 (zannkukai)
- celery: redis scheduler backend #974 (rerowep)
- rest api: add simple query support #973 (jma)
- item: field call number is now optional #971 (BadrAly)
- document: suppress item detail view #970 (zannkukai)
- item: multiple inheritance for the item class #968 (BadrAly)
- db: separate tables #959 (rerowep)
- enqueues notifications #951 (rerowep)
- patron: add blocking functionnality #902 (blankoworld)
- tests: implement first tests with cypress #878 (AoNoOokami)
- data: update JSON schema to draft 07 #862 (BadrAly)
- api: test existence of pid’s #853 (rerowep)
- Paging (stack request) functionnalities #708 (zannkukai)
v0.8.0 (2020-05-04)
Fixed bugs:
- persons does not appears in the autocomplete search input #964
- pickup location is not updated in item detail view using Chrome #960
- Briew view display bug when quickly clicking from tab to tab #901
- Autocomplete results not displayed, click in the input needed #788
- Changes of communication language for patrons are effective but not displayed #583
Closed issues:
- Initial Update #923
- document : staff can’t indicate an eISBN or an eISSN as identifier #895
- Location URI are not filtered by library for a system librarian #697
- display of qualifier for persons in RERO ILS #657
- Jean-Paul II (GND) not in MEF anymore #555
- Journal/giornale appears as “Città” in facet document type #529
Merged pull requests:
- documentation: add dependencies in PR template #963 (iGormilhit)
- permission: fix organisation permission #957 (zannkukai)
- publication pattern: create a manual prediction #952 (jma)
- notification: use pickup location email as sender #950 (rerowep)
- Us1293 doo invenio32 #949 (jma)
- test: fix external ones #946 (blankoworld)
- test: fix run-test #942 (rerowep)
- Merge “Subscription” branch to dev #940 (zannkukai)
- setup: fix ref. prob. on responsibilityStatement #938 (blankoworld)
- loan: update request pickup location #935 (AoNoOokami)
- notification: use responsibility statement #926 (rerowep)
- test: safety check #924 (rerowep)
- fault save ebook harvesting #922 (rerowep)
- location: add test to increase code coverage #919 (zannkukai)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘it’ #912 (transifex-integration[bot])
- permissions: update permission API and configuration #893 (zannkukai)
- document: adapt serializer to filter by org in admin view #852 (AoNoOokami)
- persons: display idref persons #845 (rerowep)
v0.7.0 (2020-04-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Browsing during setup #869
Fixed bugs:
- Protect the library custom editor #575
Closed issues:
- Action menu for fees #871
- Not possible to create some of the loan fixtures #838
- Space after pickup location name #830
- Flash message for checkin with fees, requests or transit #829
- Alignment of checkins and checkouts infos #827
- Validation message “Record Created with pid” #805
- Focus set in the list of requests to validate #803
- Item detailed view: missing circulation info #798
- Patron to display in the checkin form #793
- Authorisations #787
- Location settings aren’t explained in the editor and an online pickup location is possible #604
Merged pull requests:
- ui: move to rero-ils-ui v0.1.0 #915 (jma)
- location: correct schema to work well with formly #914 (zannkukai)
- project: fix sqlalchemy last releases problems #910 (blankoworld)
- translation: fix key source issues #909 (iGormilhit)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘en’ #908 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘nl’ #904 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘es’ #900 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘it’ #897 (transifex-integration[bot])
- git: integrate US1232 into dev #896 (reropag)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘ar’ #892 (transifex-integration[bot])
- fixture: recreation of documents for MEF #889 (rerowep)
- issues: trim item and patron barcodes #887 (BadrAly)
- security: fix bleach ReDOS security breach #872 (blankoworld)
- acquisition: cleanup useless functions of order lines resource #867 (lauren-d)
- vulnerability: fix PyYaml CVE vulnerability #866 (blankoworld)
- project: improve test on dates #863 (blankoworld)
- test: fix library opening timezone due date #859 (blankoworld)
- data: fix location data problem #858 (zannkukai)
- bootstrap: fix useless tgz file installation #857 (blankoworld)
- security: fix bleach XSS security breach #854 (blankoworld)
- document: fix cover image in public detailed view #848 (AoNoOokami)
- tests: fix Zürich timezone problems #847 (blankoworld)
- db: fix sequence indentifier #846 (rerowep)
- request: fix request made by a librarian #843 (AoNoOokami)
- location: adapt JSON schema for pickup_name required if is_pickup #842 (zannkukai)
- installation: fix python packages dependencies #841 (jma)
- tests: fix dependencies and security check #839 (jma)
- tests: fix problems with daylight saving time #836 (blankoworld)
- requests: place a request for a patron by a librarian #835 (BadrAly)
- monitoring: monitoring for DB and ES #833 (rerowep)
- release: v0.6.1 #825 (jma)
- circulation: return all applied actions after a checkin or checkout #824 (BadrAly)
- Transform “Fees” to “PatronTransaction” data model #820 (zannkukai)
- documentation: update INSTALL.rst #818 (AoNoOokami)
- patron editor: add placeholders #815 (AoNoOokami)
- public interface: improve patron request deletion #808 (AoNoOokami)
- utils: $ref from pid #765 (rerowep)
- metadata: electronicLocator #761 (rerowep)
- documentation: Flask-Wiki integration #740 (jma)
- acquisition: create invoice resource #729 (lauren-d)
v0.6.1 (2020-03-02)
Closed issues:
- Adapt request to validate to the library switch #817
Merged pull requests:
- ui: move to rero-ils-ui 0.0.12 #823 (jma)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘nl’ #814 (transifex-integration[bot])
- cli: fix typo #811 (lauren-d)
v0.6.0 (2020-02-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Display Popup for a checkin operation if item are in transit #783
- Better menus #483
- Validation of Circulation policy settings #213
- global Provider #106
- print(e) #86
Fixed bugs:
- Irma is not able to open the circulation policy editor #626
- Circulation policy custom editor do not load patron types and item types settings #625
- Indexing : Deleting ‘mef_persons’ cause ‘index_not_found’ exception #601
- A librarian of organisation A is allowed to checkout an item of organisation B #600
- Suppression of a document: no confirmation #552
- Wrong organisation when adding item or patron types #389
- Authors facets does not appear on public search view #372
- Opening hours editor page has to be refreshed to display changes #337
- indexer: fix person indexing #711 (rerowep)
- tests: fix run-test #702 (rerowep)
Closed issues:
- Display of “No loan for the current patron” #799
- Display action realised in checkin form #792
- Message to be displayed as checking out an item requested by another patron #791
- Circulation UI: missing space between first and last name #790
- Circulation: trim barcode #789
- Short fixture correction Wang > Wang #695
- Facets order should be consistent through global and organisations views #688
- Flash messages should always start with a capitalized initial. #661
- missing mapping in JSON files #649
- Wrong french traduction of “System librarian” on the homepage of ils.test.rero.ch #646
- Item type with name “Standard” #624
- Add locations to other libraries #622
- Validation messages should be set in the form options #605
- Attaching an item to an harvested ebook should not be possible #603
- Due date according to opening hours not working #599
- New/edit patron required field validation #584
- Missing translations: patron editor #572
- Persons aren’t filtered by views #550
- Missing create button for the first record of a given resource #541
- Missing space between the check boxes and the titles of the roles in the patron registration form #539
- Search autocomplete in jinja detailed views. #242
- Checkin of item with requests: in transit to wrong library #780
- Select pickup locations instead of library name #777
- Library code displayed in the holding #776
- Requests to validate by library switching #775
- Wrong locations proposed in the item editor #772
- Impossible to create a user with role “librarian” #771
- In transit to: destination not displayed #770
- In transit to: display library name #769
Merged pull requests:
- ui: move to rero-ils-ui 0.0.11 #809 (jma)
- isort: fix isort problems for two files #807 (BadrAly)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘es’ #796 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘ar’ #785 (transifex-integration[bot])
- data: correction on users data #781 (zannkukai)
- items: fix automatic checkin return informations #774 (zannkukai)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘de’ #763 (transifex-integration[bot])
- translation: fix error with translation file #762 (BadrAly)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘es’ #759 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘en’ #758 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘fr’ #757 (transifex-integration[bot])
- public interface: request deletion by patron #756 (AoNoOokami)
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘es’ #750 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate ‘/rero_ils/translations/messages.pot’ in ‘en’ #748 (transifex-integration[bot])
- tests: fix travis failed with werkzeug==1.0.0 #747 (jma)
- documentation: complete authors page #745 (blankoworld)
- acq_account: disable account deletion when it has orders linked to it. #737 (BadrAly)
- loans: fix problem when api returns an invalid checkout loan period #735 (BadrAly)
- improve bnf import #733 (rerowep)
- config: add default sort on resources #731 (Garfield-fr)
- editor: fix “required status” error in item editor #728 (AoNoOokami)
- item: add field location on form configuration #727 (Garfield-fr)
- ui: Search input takes now all the header area #724 (blankoworld)
- doc: create reroils resource diagram to show relations #722 (BadrAly)
- data: preload persons and export #721 (rerowep)
- acquisition: link order line to a document #719 (lauren-d)
- person: atomic persons creation and indexation #715 (rerowep)
- US813 #714 (BadrAly)
- Acquisition #709 (iGormilhit)
- ui: display a different logo/color for each orga. #706 (blankoworld)
- ES: fix mapping #705 (rerowep)
- deployment: adaptions for rero-ils-ui #700 (rerowep)
- setup: speed up and clean improvements #699 (blankoworld)
- script: add rero-ils-ui install from tgz #692 (AoNoOokami)
- editor: move to ngx-formly #690 (jma)
- loans: improve due date timezone consideration #684 (blankoworld)
- libraries: add sort by name configuration #681 (Garfield-fr)
- cli: fixture pid dependency test with config file #679 (rerowep)
- scripts: fix objects indexation #678 (blankoworld)
- person: filter by view … #676 (AoNoOokami)
- filter persons view #674 (rerowep)
- circulation policy: ignore settings when deleting a policy #672 (BadrAly)
- cli: pid fixture dependencies #667 (rerowep)
- translation: fix patron form editor translation problem #666 (zannkukai)
- data: rewrite provisionActivity field #663 (rerowep)
- ui: add switch to professional view #662 (AoNoOokami)
- serializer: remove _settings key on aggregations #660 (Garfield-fr)
- 1182 - improve perf with MEF #659 (blankoworld)
- deployment: fix pipenv version #658 (rerowep)
- translation: edition & responsability #656 (rerowep)
- travis: fix errors #655 (rerowep)
- fixtures: change library opening hours for organisation 3 #654 (Garfield-fr)
- Us986 admin #652 (jma)
- data model: implement edition statement transformation #651 (rerowep)
- ui: correct frontpage typo #647 (AoNoOokami)
- frontend: remove admin actions #645 (Garfield-fr)
- cli: add new translate command #643 (rerowep)
- tests: improve test coverage #640 (rerowep)
- template: update pr template #638 (AoNoOokami)
- setup: lazy creation of records #635 (rerowep)
- items: create items dump functionality #634 (BadrAly)
- fix: correct circulation policy #633 (AoNoOokami)
- permissions: allow read access to holding and items for all users #632 (BadrAly)
- documents: fix document suppression problems #631 (zannkukai)
- ebooks: fix ebooks dojson #628 (rerowep)
- data: Adds dump for documents #618 (rerowep)
- fix: loan and items #613 (rerowep)
- renewals: add renew buttons for patrons checked-out items #610 (BadrAly)
- scripts: add info message coloration #564 (blankoworld)
- circulation: fix some loan scenarios #806 (BadrAly)
- circulation: fix loan after a checkin of a validated request #795 (BadrAly)
- circulation: fix item status after a check-in #782 (BadrAly)
- documents: Add pickup location names for the item request button #779 (zannkukai)
- ui: display library name instead of code #778 (jma)
- security: authorize unsafe-eval param on script-src #773 (Garfield-fr)
- ebooks: fix ebook import indexing #768 (rerowep)
- config: allow loading external script #767 (Garfield-fr)
- config: allow loading inline image in the security configuration #766 (Garfield-fr)
- release: v0.6.0 #764 (iGormilhit)
- permissions: update and delete permissions api for records #760 (BadrAly)
- documents: update schemas about abstract field #754 (zannkukai)
- ui: move to rero-ils-ui@0.0.10 #752 (jma)
- circulation: correct pickup location for actions #749 (AoNoOokami)
- data model: fix jsonschema for the editor #746 (jma)
- homepage: add homepage informations for pilot instance #744 (Garfield-fr)
- ES: fix listeners #738 (rerowep)
- patrons: display checkout history for patron #720 (BadrAly)
v0.5.2 (2019-11-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Requesting an item from another organisation should not be possible #619
- Document editor: if all authors are removed from the form, then it’s not possible to add an author #609
- Patron creation by a librarian: reset password link never works #608
- Render a document detailed view with document even if there’s a library without pickup location in the organisation #598
Closed issues:
- Import document from BnF not working #607
Merged pull requests:
- dojson: fix provisionActivity unimarc transformation #623 (jma)
- fixtures: fix and adapt the third organisation fixtures #620 (BadrAly)
- circulation: fix circulation policies #617 (jma)
- REST API: set the aggregations size #616 (jma)
- circulation: cancel active loan when checked-in item has reservations #615 (BadrAly)
- Workshop Issues Fixing #614 (jma)
- fixtures: complete the workshop fixtures data #612 (BadrAly)
- document editor: fix add author after removed all authors from the form #611 (benerken)
- instance: fix several bugs #606 (jma)
- notification: fix “not extendable” string in different languages #597 (zannkukai)
v0.5.1 (2019-11-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Flash message: bring user at top of the page #232
Fixed bugs:
- Not possible to add or edit a location if field is_online is not checked #562
- Fees: API returns 0 records #560
- Document editor: save button disabled #556
Closed issues:
- “online” item type in fixture #573
- Editor: qualifier vs. note #557
- Facet author not always displayed (in Firefox) #554
- Person page: no links to documents in organisation views #553
- Translation “The item has been requested” #404
Merged pull requests:
- documentation: update changes and release notes #596 (iGormilhit)
- tests: hide “No issues detected!” from autoflake #595 (blankoworld)
- translations: update missing translations #594 (jma)
- ui: fix typeahead unexpected behaviour #593 (jma)
- editor: fix location editor button validation #592 (lauren-d)
- translation: fix user message when an item is requested #591 (zannkukai)
- editor: fix editor button validation #590 (lauren-d)
- persons: fix filter to get documents in organisation views #589 (benerken)
- fees: add organisation search filter #588 (lauren-d)
- ui: fix flash messages position #587 (zannkukai)
- fixtures: update third organisation circulation policy #586 (iGormilhit)
- ui: adapt frontpage for mobile devices #585 (AoNoOokami)
- permissions: item edit and delete buttons for librarians #582 (BadrAly)
- github: add new info on github issue template #581 (blankoworld)
- items: fix online locations status #580 (zannkukai)
v0.5.0 (2019-10-23)
Fixed bugs:
- database sequences are not updated after executing script/setup #563
- JSON export not working #547
- A librarian should not be able to edit libraries he/she’s not affiliated to. #488
- Removing the barcode from a patron leads to an error after “Submit” action #37
Closed issues:
- Wrong orgnisation translation in the item type editor #540
- Internal server error when displaying record #501
- 2 homepages for global view #475
- Links to items and documents from circulation UI #446
- Check the responsiveness of the front page #381
- Wrong availability for item_type “no checkout” #209
Merged pull requests:
- cli: reserve a range of pids #579 (BadrAly)
- translation: correct organisation translation #578 (AoNoOokami)
- ui: fix global homepage #570 (AoNoOokami)
- ui: add a new URL to change the language #569 (jma)
- ils: translates v0.5.0 strings #567 (iGormilhit)
- permissions: disable edit and delete buttons for librarians #566 (BadrAly)
- documentation: fill in changes and release files #565 (iGormilhit)
- fixtures: reset sequence to correct value after loading records #561 (BadrAly)
- metadata: fix dojson for virtua records #559 (rerowep)
- ui: integrate rero-ils-ui angular project #551 (AoNoOokami)
- document: fix json export #548 (Garfield-fr)
- document: fix hide elements on harvested document #545 (Garfield-fr)
- ebooks: enable bulk indexing of created records #544 (BadrAly)
- fixtures: add data for a third organisation #543 (iGormilhit)
- US965: Holdings/items for ebooks #537 (Garfield-fr)
v0.4.0 (2019-09-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Checkin/checkout tab top text #366
Fixed bugs:
- Thumbnails detail view #495
- Two loans instead of one #484
- Detailed view: field “Notes” is displayed with no content #437
- Increase size of result set during API calls #405
- Display of “My account” #225
- UX of date exceptions #223
Closed issues:
- Checkin of item that should go in transit #462
- Mousehover on “Delete”, when the item cannot be deleted #447
- Availability light in views #445
- Checkout for the end of a day (23h59) #417
- Merge public and professional document search views. #383
- Improve test and test coverage #380
- Upgrade to the latest version of invenio-circulation #379
- Transaction library instead of item library #378
- Circulation UI: items & patrons of other organisation #377
- Change license headers #374
- Fix circ policies editor #363
- [angular] Handle Error if http client doesn’t response #167
Merged pull requests:
- tests: add PID verifications with commit/rollback #558 (blankoworld)
- #1021 - refactoring: delete unused imports #536 (blankoworld)
- data: new data files for MEF #535 (rerowep)
- docker: update elasticsearch and kibana to version 6.6.2 #534 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation : fix checkin of item that should go in transit #533 (lauren-d)
- form options (for ebook): item type and location for online status #532 (Garfield-fr)
- document: display holding electronic location #531 (Garfield-fr)
- US696: overdue fees #530 (BadrAly)
- editor: fix submit button with async validator #528 (jma)
- US931 data model publication statement #526 (rerowep)
- ebooks: create holdings automatically after record harvesting #525 (BadrAly)
- #971 - ui: display git commit hash on frontpage #524 (blankoworld)
- #1027 - item availability instead of status #523 (blankoworld)
- documents: fix language #522 (Garfield-fr)
- data model: implement publication statement transformation for ebooks #521 (reropag)
- ui: fix front page responsiveness #381 #520 (AoNoOokami)
- ui: adapt editor according to publication statement data model #519 (AoNoOokami)
- schema: make the name for publisher optional #518 (jma)
- ui: correct document brief views #517 (rerowep)
- documentation: add a default issue template #516 (iGormilhit)
- tests: fix external tests after availability implementation #515 (BadrAly)
- UI:display the publication statement #514 (rerowep)
- check email templates #513 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation : fix checkin of item that should go in transit #512 (benerken)
- publication statement es #511 (rerowep)
- document: fix default icon thumbnail on fullview #510 (Garfield-fr)
- circ_policies ui: increase API size limit #509 (zannkukai)
- scripts: wrong command in server script #508 (blankoworld)
- libraries: fix start date of reroils fixtures #507 (BadrAly)
- #1036 - bootstrap: delete useless virtualenv #506 (blankoworld)
- US911 cataloging #504 (jma)
- fixture: implement ebooks holdings rero-ils and unit test fixtures #503 (AoNoOokami)
- UI: Fix circulation policies editor #363 #500 (lauren-d)
- holdings: display holdings records #499 (BadrAly)
- publication statement bnf #498 (rerowep)
- #1019 - Refactoring units testing api calls #497 (blankoworld)
- circulation : fix issue two loans instead of one #496 (benerken)
- Publication statement view #494 (AoNoOokami)
- validate json file with schema #493 (rerowep)
- US838: display record availability #491 (BadrAly)
- Fee: better currency management #490 (lauren-d)
- documents: implement record availability #489 (lauren-d)
- #1011 fix unittest fixtures #487 (blankoworld)
- interface: display record availability in document detailed view #486 (BadrAly)
- publication statement transformation #485 (reropag)
- Fees: create new resource #482 (lauren-d)
- installation: fix bootstrap script to use npm 6 instead of local one #481 (blankoworld)
- holdings: implement record availability #480 (BadrAly)
- circulation_ui: add error logs for item API #479 (zannkukai)
- interface: item availability #478 (BadrAly)
- document detailed view: fix missing message on item delete button #477 (zannkukai)
- fix user initials view #476 (rerowep)
- editor: shows/hides main (1th level) fields #473 (jma)
- fixtures: generate new files #472 (BadrAly)
- global: standardize timezone #471 (BadrAly)
- data_model: implement copyright date transformation #470 (reropag)
- circulation ui: check if item or patron is in same organisation #469 (jma)
- fixtures: fixes slowness of setup after holding integration #468 (BadrAly)
- data_model: implement copyright date transformation #466 (reropag)
- circulation ui: enhancement on the text of tab (checkin/checkout) #465 (Garfield-fr)
- libraries date exceptions: fix bug on repeat button #463 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: holdings level adaptation #461 (BadrAly)
- circulation ui: check if item or patron is in same organisation #460 (Garfield-fr)
- US716 holdings level #458 (BadrAly)
v0.3.1 (2019-08-26)
Merged pull requests:
- translation: fix missing translated strings #459 (iGormilhit)
- holdings: re-linking item to a new holding after edition #457 (BadrAly)
- oaiharvesting: bulk indexing of oai records #456 (rerowep)
- release: v0.3.0 #454 (jma)
v0.3.0 (2019-08-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Should ebooks records be editable ? #89
Fixed bugs:
- Edit item button in professional document search view always visible #390
- Due date in a check-out does not consider closed days introduced in exceptions #263
Closed issues:
- Layout of confirmation message when deleting an item #407
- Search with AND operator does not work as expected. #384
- Search in various fields #369
- gnd_pid / pid #352
- [editor] location name selector in the item editor #348
Merged pull requests:
- holdings: adapt item display #455 (Garfield-fr)
- translations: translate v0.3.0 release strings #453 (iGormilhit)
- circulation ui: view code on document and item link #452 (Garfield-fr)
- tests: test correct licenses in files #451 (rerowep)
- tests: fix dependencies on travis #450 (jma)
- circulation: due date hours set to end of day #449 (Garfield-fr)
- admin: Wrong organisation on select menu #448 (Garfield-fr)
- item: fix display of the buttons #444 (Garfield-fr)
- holdings: introduce holding level #443 (BadrAly)
- document: fix notes field #441 (Garfield-fr)
- notifications: url of the account of the notified patron #439 (BadrAly)
- ui: facet language translation #438 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: upgrade to invenio-circulation v1.0.0a16 #436 (reropag)
- ui: facet language translation #435 (Garfield-fr)
- editor: compact the presentation #434 (jma)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #433 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #432 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #431 (iGormilhit)
- data model: language, identifiedBy #430 (BadrAly)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #429 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #428 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #427 (iGormilhit)
- fix 10k items #426 (rerowep)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #425 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 #424 (iGormilhit)
- data mode: adapt editor for language and identifiedBy #423 (BadrAly)
- data model: adapt document views for language and identifiedby #422 (BadrAly)
- cli: replaces invenio records by invenio fixtures #421 (BadrAly)
- update fixtures #420 (rerowep)
- ui: Implement global and organisations view #419 (Garfield-fr)
- data model: schema and mapping and unit testing adaptation for languages #418 (BadrAly)
- data model: transform languages #416 (reropag)
- data model: transform marc21 field containing identifiers #415 (reropag)
- data model: schema and mapping and unit testing adaptation for identifiedby #414 (BadrAly)
- ui: fix bad alignment in delete item modal header #413 (jma)
- security: update to invenio version 3.1.1 #412 (rerowep)
- tests: optional execution of external services tests. #411 (BadrAly)
- indexation class: add indexation property to IlsRecord #409 (rerowep)
- tests: workaround when bnf service is down #403 (BadrAly)
- documentation: update INSTALL.rst #402 (vrabe)
- search: Replace AND default operator by OR. #401 (Garfield-fr)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (MEF Persons) #399 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (locations) #398 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (loans) #397 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (libraries) #396 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (items) #394 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (item_types) #393 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (ebooks) #392 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (documents) #391 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (circ_pol) #388 (iGormilhit)
- license: move from GPLv2 to AGPLv3 (base commit) #387 (iGormilhit)
- documentation: add an issue template #386 (iGormilhit)
- documentation: rewrite bad syntax in docstrings #382 (iGormilhit)
v0.2.3 (2019-07-03)
Fixed bugs:
- TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable #367
Closed issues:
- Fixtures: write a better and faster way to create circulation transactions #254
Merged pull requests:
- fixtures: fix dojson publishers conversion (3rd time) #373 (iGormilhit)
- release v0.2.0 #362 (iGormilhit)
v0.2.2 (2019-07-02)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- circulation: improve circulation dates #375 (BadrAly)
- document: Publisher format #371 (sebastiendeleze)
v0.2.1 (2019-07-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Facets: add a “more” link or button. #87
Fixed bugs:
- Patron search doesn’t work as expected #229
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- fixture: fix transformation with no publishers #368 (iGormilhit)
- facets: expand facet items by link #364 (Garfield-fr)
v0.2.0 (2019-06-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Number of occurrences is wrong in facet “status” #10
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- [UI] Languages selector #349
- Delete on record: check during delete #145
- Upper and lower case, singular and plural forms #119
Merged pull requests:
- circulation: upgrade to invenio circulation v1.0.0a14 #410 (BadrAly)
- issues: fix issue when wrong patron displayed after a checkin #370 (BadrAly)
- ui: update translations for v.0.2.0 release #361 (iGormilhit)
- document: MEF variant_name for author #360 (Garfield-fr)
- document: call_number on item #359 (Garfield-fr)
- Fixtures: dojson RDA transformation #358 (Garfield-fr)
- serializer: permissions on a non-existing record #356 (Garfield-fr)
- [UI] Languages selector #354 (Garfield-fr)
- Us671 search and ranking #351 (Garfield-fr)
- notification: create notification templates #350 (BadrAly)
- US341: Email notifications #347 (BadrAly)
- notifications: split notifications es and creations tests. #346 (BadrAly)
- US738: Three default roles for the minimal consortial model #345 (jma)
- UI: adapt the patron editor for the logged user #344 (jma)
- notifications: create periodic task to create and send notifications #343 (BadrAly)
- search: boosting fields on resources #342 (Garfield-fr)
- notifications: complete units tests #341 (BadrAly)
- notifications: create notification dispatcher #340 (rerowep)
- notifications: first reminder notification #339 (reropag)
- indexing: update document and ebooks mapping #338 (Garfield-fr)
- notifications: create due soon notification #336 (reropag)
- indexing: update circulation policies mapping #335 (Garfield-fr)
- indexing: update mef persons mapping #333 (Garfield-fr)
- notifications: create availability notification #332 (BadrAly)
- notifications: create recall notification #331 (BadrAly)
- indexing: update libraries mapping #330 (Garfield-fr)
- REST API: add permission informations #329 (jma)
- notification: circ policies new parameters #328 (BadrAly)
- tests: add several users for testing #327 (jma)
- notifications: create data model and api #326 (BadrAly)
- indexing: update patrons mapping #325 (Garfield-fr)
- indexing: update patron types mapping #324 (Garfield-fr)
- permissions: allows librarian to manipulate users of its library only #323 (BadrAly)
- indexing: update item types mapping #322 (Garfield-fr)
v0.1.0a22 (2019-05-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- OAI config file loding YAMLLoadWarning #304
- Renewal date #231
- Check-out of an item “in transit” #230
- Field “Description” #224
- Overlap of opening hours #222
- Date exceptions : repeat #155
- Header not auto-hide sticky for circulation pages #144
- Action delete on record #142
Fixed bugs:
- Link from person detailed page to document #295
- Request on an item which is checked out #235
- Socket closed in worker #82
- Wrong circulation status after checkin #51
Closed issues:
- Missing message to the librarian when a requested item is checked in #58
- A request should block the renewal #38
Merged pull requests:
- indexing: add a custom text analyzer in ES template #321 (Garfield-fr)
- API: Patron creation problem #320 (jma)
- fix: document with items failure to display #319 (BadrAly)
- fix: patron persistent identifiers #318 (BadrAly)
- release: v0.1.0a22 #317 (jma)
- permissions: secure patron records api #316 (BadrAly)
- Fix ebook unknown language and subject facets #315 (rerowep)
- US717 and 778 #313 (jma)
- documentation: update commit message template #312 (iGormilhit)
- user roles: system librarian role #311 (BadrAly)
- config: Sentry support #310 (jma)
- US737: Two organisations for the minimal consortial model #308 (jma)
- tasks: celery version constraint addition #307 (jma)
- views: disabling edit/delete buttons for items of other organisation #306 (BadrAly)
- cli: loan fixtures generation for organisations #302 (jma)
- rest API: access restriction by organisation read, write, delete, update #301 (BadrAly)
- cli: item fixtures generation for organisations #300 (jma)
- fix: patron type pid shortcut #299 (BadrAly)
- fixtures: load prepared loans json file #296 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for non modules #294 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for documents #293 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for loans #292 (BadrAly)
- rest API: organisation filter #291 (jma)
- global: test coverage and docs for patrons #290 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for items #289 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for libraries #288 (BadrAly)
- consortium: metada for two organisations #287 (jma)
- consortium: second organisation metadata. #284 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for organisations #283 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for locations #282 (BadrAly)
- circulation: correct item status after checkin a requested item #281 (BadrAly)
- user interface: patron type name and library name #280 (jma)
- global: test coverage and docs for patron types #279 (BadrAly)
- user interface: pickup library instead of pickup location #278 (jma)
- global: test coverage and docs for item types #277 (BadrAly)
- global: test coverage and docs for cipo #276 (BadrAly)
- circulation: patron request blocks item renewals #274 (BadrAly)
- fix: a fix for loan extension assert problem #272 (BadrAly)
- Delete add item button in the document search view #268 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: possibility to check-out in-transit items #267 (BadrAly)
- circulation: renewal due date from current_date #265 (BadrAly)
- ui: library exception button #261 (Garfield-fr)
- ui: notification #258 (Garfield-fr)
- library exceptions date: improvement #257 (Garfield-fr)
- Circulation: renewal due date from current_date #256 (BadrAly)
- ALL: invenio 3.1 support #255 (jma)
- admin: field description not mandatory #253 (Garfield-fr)
- library admin: improvement #251 (Garfield-fr)
v0.1.0a21 (2019-03-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Redirect to document detailed view after document or item edition. #226
- Identify the two separate displays in the person detailed view #137
- mef id for person not on same line #131
- Pager not to display if only 1 page of results #123
- pytest Elasticsearch #114
- Years facet behaviour #92
- Status “Not available” when item is missing #47
- No button to return to the view we come from (like “Back to the results” for example) #36
- Items with active transactions can be deleted without any warning #34
- Record deletion without checking the attached records #12
Fixed bugs:
- Link from item view to patron check-in/check-out broken #234
- Circulation UI: “an error occurs on the server: [object Object]” #233
- No check when deleting ptty and itty, resulting in broken cipo. #227
- Creation of a library: fields already completed #221
- Request menu don’t display the pickup_name field #170
- After signing up, all pages respond with an internal server error. #164
- Saved item type #143
- mef id for person not on same line #131
- brief view for logged user not reliable #129
- Covers not displaying #120
- Result list, page browse #117
- Simple search does not return some results #93
- A new search should remove all filters #88
- deduplication of uri #84
- Availabilty information message not translated on the search results page #54
- Broken link in circulation table #50
- Patron without barcode #48
- Links to library/member or location detailed view as a patron #43
- Confirmation message after record creation #40
- Lost password workflow only in English #3
Closed issues:
- Admin resources menu : harmonize editor headings texts #215
- Date exception: not translated #163
- Item and Patron fixtures to reflect the new item/patron types #126
- Layouts issues and remarks #121
- Person search brief view: some information missing #118
- Edit buttons (translations) #76
- location validation for items #70
- Change the color of the “circulation transaction creation” print confirmation message #64
- Missing translation of “requested items” #56
- Flash notification for “in transit” at checkin #49
- Default sort of demand list #45
- Scope of search bar not always visible #39
- Search by patron_full_name does not check the role “patrons” #29
- renewal counts #28
Merged pull requests:
- API: subject facet resolution #250 (jma)
- translations: version v.0.1.0a21 #249 (iGormilhit)
- DEPLOY: autocomplete resolution for deployement #248 (jma)
- TRANSLATIONS: translations command line resolution #247 (jma)
- UI: editor previous page redirection #246 (jma)
- UI: clear library form after edit #245 (jma)
- UI: links to authorities in the document editor #244 (jma)
- Circulation UI: Checkout possible according to circ policy #243 (BadrAly)
- CIRCULATION: link from item details to circ UI #241 (BadrAly)
- user interface: front page and header #240 (iGormilhit)
- RECORDS: can_delete fix for item and patron types #239 (BadrAly)
- ES: person language mapping #238 (rerowep)
- UI: persons and documents public search view #236 (jma)
- user interface: menus structure #228 (iGormilhit)
- ES: loan mapping #220 (rerowep)
- Circulation: Policy adapting for CIRC UI #219 (BadrAly)
- Circulation: nested mapping for cipo settings #218 (BadrAly)
- UI: typeahead support for document search #216 (jma)
- Circulation Policies: Locate policy using item/patorn types pair #214 (BadrAly)
- SERIALIZER: Fix resolve #212 (Garfield-fr)
- user interface: translations #211 (iGormilhit)
- Circulation: Circ policies backend #210 (Garfield-fr)
- admin UI: fix and translations #208 (iGormilhit)
- repository: commit template #207 (iGormilhit)
- all: several fixes #206 (jma)
- DATA: $ref for mef persons #205 (rerowep)
- Circulation: Circ policies backend #204 (BadrAly)
- ADMIN UI: URL parameters and facets #202 (jma)
- Admin: Modal dialog #201 (Garfield-fr)
- User interface: admin pages and jinja templates #200 (jma)
- DEPLOYMENT: docker #198 (rerowep)
- Patron: Add communication channel #197 (Garfield-fr)
- RECORDS: can_delete #195 (BadrAly)
- Angular lint #194 (Garfield-fr)
- API: resolvers #192 (rerowep)
- Admin: Circulation policy #191 (Garfield-fr)
- ALL: $ref as link mecanism #188 (jma)
- Layout: refactoring #186 (iGormilhit)
- Scripts: MEF harvesting #185 (BadrAly)
- Layout: admin page #184 (iGormilhit)
- VIEWS: fix $ref relations #183 (jma)
- Layout: document export view #182 (iGormilhit)
- Layout: patron profile #181 (iGormilhit)
- Layout: security pages, error pages, tombstones #180 (iGormilhit)
- Layout: frontpage #178 (iGormilhit)
- FIXTURES: data importation with $ref. #177 (jma)
- Layout: person detailed view #176 (iGormilhit)
- API: jsonref introduction #175 (jma)
- Layout: search and brief views #174 (iGormilhit)
- Layout: item detailed view #172 (iGormilhit)
- Circulation policies settings #171 (BadrAly)
- ADMIN: Fix translation #166 (Garfield-fr)
- User: critical bug at menu initialization #165 (iGormilhit)
- ADMIN: Switch translation on the fly #162 (Garfield-fr)
- Admin interface: checkin/checkout implementation #161 (jma)
- Library translation #160 (Garfield-fr)
- Layout: documents detailed view #159 (iGormilhit)
- Basic circulation policies #158 (BadrAly)
- FIXTURE: libraries opening hours and exception dates #157 (NicolasLabat)
- Library creation #156 (Garfield-fr)
- API: library is open #154 (rerowep)
- Maj circulation ui #724 #153 (jma)
- Libraries: Form Validation #152 (Garfield-fr)
- Library: date exceptions #151 (rerowep)
- Admin interface: menu refactoring #150 (iGormilhit)
- replace function #149 (rerowep)
- Circulation: configuration #148 (iGormilhit)
- Libraries: add options opening_hours + new library editor #147 (Garfield-fr)
- Circulation: invenio-circulation integration #146 (BadrAly)
- Issue: Identify the two separate displays in the person detailed view #141 (Garfield-fr)
- ISSUSES: patron parcode #140 (rerowep)
- User interface: menu list #139 (rerowep)
- admin ui: angular skeleton #138 (jma)
- Circulation: integration of invenio-circulation APIs #136 (BadrAly)
- Package: requests upgrade #135 (BadrAly)
v0.1.0a20 (2018-10-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Circulation policy: Display the unit “days” units #127
Fixed bugs:
- Circulation policy form allows negative values #125
- api harvester size #111
- CSV export not working #103
Merged pull requests:
- User interface: header menu #134 (iGormilhit)
- circulation ui: member to library #133 (iGormilhit)
- Member to library #132 (rerowep)
- frontend: translations #130 (iGormilhit)
- Circulation policy: issues #128 (BadrAly)
- Circulation: Policy configuration #124 (BadrAly)
- frontend: cleaning #122 (iGormilhit)
- Item Types: Add resource #116 (Garfield-fr)
- Patron Types: Add resource #115 (Garfield-fr)
- apiharvester: fix size #113 (rerowep)
v0.1.0a19 (2018-10-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Item status isn’t automatically updated in the item brief view #20
Fixed bugs:
- Jinja error after creating a document without identifiers (ISBN) #109
- Too many
values for ebooks #71
Closed issues:
- Angularjs: Remove invenioSearchConfig (thumbnail.js) #94
- User roles display #53
- Uppercase in the facets #44
Merged pull requests:
- frontend: refactoring #110 (Garfield-fr)
- User interface: translations #108 (iGormilhit)
- frontend: refactor layout #107 (jma)
- can delete #105 (rerowep)
- missing format_date_filter in items/view #104 (rerowep)
- git: gitignore extension #102 (iGormilhit)
- mef max harvest #101 (rerowep)
- oaiharvest port 8443 #100 (rerowep)
- feat: Remove invenioSearchConfig and replace with invenioConfig #99 (Garfield-fr)
- fixtures: users following personas templates #98 (iGormilhit)
- identifier for person link #97 (rerowep)
- feat: add source facet and source badge on briew view person #96 (Garfield-fr)
- Person: Brief view #95 (Garfield-fr)
- person detailed view #90 (rerowep)
- harvest mef #85 (rerowep)
- facets #78 (rerowep)
- fix: add exception on pipenv check #77 (Garfield-fr)
- feat: add cover render services to brief and full view #75 (jma)
- documentation: installation and contributing #74 (iGormilhit)
- fix: link on assets with invenio collect #73 (jma)
- App data merge #72 (jma)
- search: AND by default #68 (jma)
v0.1.0a18 (2018-08-23)
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.0a17 (2018-08-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Creation of item fails because of misspelled key label in the form options file #61
- Barcode not displayed on the request tab of the circulation UI #59
- Internal server error when adding a new item #42
Closed issues:
- Due date format should not display hours, minutes and seconds #66
- Translation of general status of documents #60
- The patron profile is displaying the loan start date instead of the loan due date #57
- Display item status on item detailed view #46
- Error not specified at patron creation #9
Merged pull requests:
- feat: new shuffled export #67 (rerowep)
- feat: add icons by doc type #65 (BadrAly)
- add new document types #63 (rerowep)
* This Changelog was automatically generated bygithub_changelog_generator